
Uzbekistan Plans to Increase Share of Green Energy to 40% by 2030

Uzbekistan intends to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the country’s energy consumption structure to 40% by 2030. Energy Minister Zhurabek Mirzamakhmudov announced this at the “Russian Energy Week” forum.

According to Mirzamakhmudov, renewable energy, including solar and wind power plants, will become the basis for meeting the growing electricity demand as part of the country’s growth strategy.

Mirzamakhmudov noted that Uzbekistan’s economy is growing by 6% annually, and the population will continue to grow. This causes the demand for electricity to grow by 7-8% per year, and by 2030, this figure may stabilize at 7.5%. Uzbekistan plans to introduce up to 20 gigawatts of solar and wind power plant capacity to meet this demand. It is expected that the share of renewable energy sources in the country’s total energy balance will reach 40%.

The share of renewable energy is about 10%, but by the end of this year, it should increase to 15%. In the coming years, 2.5 to 3.5 gigawatts of new capacity will be commissioned annually. In addition, considerable attention will be paid to developing thermal and hydroelectric power plants, which are planned to reach 18.5 gigawatts of capacity by 2030.

The minister also emphasized the importance of energy storage systems. Uzbekistan plans to install 300 megawatts of storage capacity this year and increase it to 4.2 gigawatts by 2030, mainly using lithium-ion batteries. Along with this, projects to create hydro-battery stations will be implemented. Mirzamakhmudov added that all these projects are financed by foreign direct investment, demonstrating the high interest of international investors in the country’s energy sector.

The Russian Energy Week 2024 forum is being held in Moscow from September 26 to 28. The event’s main theme is “Energy Cooperation in a Multipolar World.” More than 70 speakers from various countries have participated, including from Russia, BRICS countries, and Africa. The forum discussed topics such as sustainable energy development, the role of hydrocarbons in the future, and issues of technological independence. One of the key events was the meeting of BRICS energy ministers.

Earlier, The Times of Central Asia wrote about the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) held in Samarkand on September 25-26, where Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed a program of green energy development for Central Asia.

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov is a Kazakhstani journalist. He has worked in leading regional and national publications.

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UNESCO Concerned About Plans to Develop Western Tien Shan

UNESCO has expressed concern over the plans of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan to develop natural areas of the Western Tien Shan, a World Natural Heritage site. This concern was realized after a visit by UNESCO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which was a joint mission to these countries to assess the state of the site and the impact of economic activity on it. The public foundation (PF) “Rivers Without Borders” stated this in its report.

According to UNESCO, the “Western Tien Shan” is a transboundary site in the Central Asian Tien Shan mountain system, one of the seven largest mountain ranges in the world. The altitude of different sections of the Western Tien Shan varies from 700 to 4503 meters. The site consists of diverse landscapes characterized by a vibrant biodiversity. The Western Tien Shan region is important globally as it is the birthplace of several fruit tree species and is characterized by diverse forest types and unique plant life.

In Kyrgyzstan, evidence of the illegal mining of gold within the territory of the World Heritage Site was revealed. In addition, a powerful hydroelectric power plant is planned to be built on the Chatkal River, which may flood protected areas and disrupt the landscape. The construction of the Talas-Chatkal-Tashkent highway along the reservoir will only aggravate the ecological situation.

In Kazakhstan, the authorities plan to build a cascade of hydropower plants on the Ugam River, which could destroy the current river ecosystem. Part of the river’s flow will be directed through a 210-kilometer pipe for use in other regions of Turkestan region. Experts expressed severe concerns about destroying the natural ecosystem and possible consequences for local flora and fauna.

The situation is no less alarming in Uzbekistan: the Chatkal and Ugam rivers have already been dammed, significantly altering their natural landscape. During the visit, the experts said that bulldozers and excavators are already changing the course of the Ugam River, channeling it into artificial channels to construct several small hydropower plants.

Rivers Without Borders also oppose these projects, pointing out that they violate international standards and UNESCO requirements. The organization’s chief specialist, Evgeny Simonov, stressed that implementing the projects without appropriate environmental assessments and consultations with UNESCO violates the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

The report on the mission’s results is expected to be presented at the next session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in 2025 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov is a Kazakhstani journalist. He has worked in leading regional and national publications.

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Gang Involved in Selling Children Abroad Neutralized in Kyrgyzstan

A transnational criminal gang engaged in the illegal adoption and sale of children abroad has been disrupted in Kyrgyzstan.

The State Committee for National Security (SCNS) reported that the group included foreign and Kyrgyz citizens. In the period from 2022, the criminals used various manipulation tactics and bribery to obtain custody rights over children from socially vulnerable families, after which they illegally transported them out of the country for sale.

As a result of investigative and operational measures, on September 20 the group’s leaders were detained and placed in the SCNS’s detention center. An investigation is ongoing to identify the remaining group members and those who assisted them.

The situation with child trafficking in Kyrgyzstan remains an acute problem despite the efforts of the authorities. The country is a source and transit point for human trafficking, including children, who are often victims of sexual exploitation or illegal adoption. Criminal groups use corrupt connections and manipulation to gain custody of children from socially vulnerable families.

One of the main problems is the lack of resources and coordination between law enforcement and social services, which makes it challenging to eradicate the trade. International organizations also point to the need to strengthen control over migration, as child trafficking is often associated with the export of minors out of the country.

The Kyrgyz government is cooperating with international organizations such as the UN and Interpol to combat human trafficking, but further strengthening of law enforcement and prevention of such crimes is required to address the problem.

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov is a Kazakhstani journalist. He has worked in leading regional and national publications.

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Turkmenistan To Harness Technology and Algae to Combat Desertification

The International Scientific and Technological Park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan has received the copyright for the innovative development of nanocomposite material technologies based on blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). The development – which can improve eroded sandy and desert lands in dry steppe and desert zones – is designed to control desertification, wind erosion, and sand migration. This material can also be used as a raw material for producing construction materials and bio-products, which opens up a wide range of opportunities for its use.

“Movable bare sands cause significant damage to the national economy, often covering agricultural lands, rivers, water bodies, canals, transportation highways, irrigation facilities and other objects. Therefore, controlling wind erosion and fixing sand are important tasks. We have proposed an effective way to combat desertification using blue-green algae (cyanobacteria),” said Altyn Rakhmanova, Head of the Biotechnology Department of ANT International Science and Technology Park.

Cyanobacteria play a crucial role in soil improvement by participating in biochemical processes, accumulating substances and nitrogen, and destroying minerals. Their vital activity contributes to environmental changes and soil formation, especially by forming various overgrowths on its surface.

Turkmenistan is actively combating land degradation following the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and the National Action Program to Combat Desertification (NAPCD), which includes reforestation.

In May 2024, the State Program for Integrated Development of Biotechnology in the Country for 2024-2028 was approved; one of the plans is to study and apply algae. The application of biotechnology for the development of new materials offers a promising and effective solution.

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov is a Kazakhstani journalist. He has worked in leading regional and national publications.

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Fallout From Assault on Tashkent Schoolboy Reaches Russian Foreign Ministry

On September 23 a teacher at a school in Tashkent’s Chilonzor district slapped a student when the child asked for the Russian language class to be taught in Russian.

The Children’s Ombudsman of Uzbekistan, Surayyo Rahmonova, has begun an investigation into the incident — but not before news of the assault reached Russia.

Maria Zakharova, the spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that she was concerned about the content of a video of the slap that was posted on social media. “We have requested official clarification from the Uzbek side,” Zakharova commented. “The Uzbek side is urgently asked to give the media material a legal assessment and, if justified, to take action against the perpetrator of cruel treatment of the child. We are keeping this issue under the closest attention.”

The leader of Uzbekistan’s Milli Tiklanish (National Revival) party and deputy speaker of the lower house of parliament, Alisher Qodirov commented on Telegram that “it would be better for [Russia] to deal with their own affairs [which are] full of problems than to deal with our internal issues. The violation of rights of an Uzbek child at a school in Uzbekistan will be investigated in accordance with Uzbek laws.”

A vocal critic of Russian influence, earlier this year Qodirov proposed a ban on the provision of public services to persons who don’t speak the Uzbek, and the promotion of Soviet ideology and symbols in Uzbekistan.

Sadokat Jalolova

Sadokat Jalolova

Jalolova has worked as a reporter for some time in local newspapers and websites in Uzbekistan, and has enriched her knowledge in the field of journalism through courses at the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Amsterdam on the Coursera platform.

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Image: TCA, Stephen M. Bland

Central Asian Economies to See Continued Growth in 2024 and 2025

The latest economic outlooks from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) project continued economic growth in the five Central Asian countries in 2024 and 2025.

According to the latest edition of the EBRD’s Regional Economic Prospects report, Kazakhstan’s economy will grow by 4% in 2024, with upside from public spending to restore flood-affected infrastructure and housing. The trade, transport, warehousing, services, and IT sectors were the main growth drivers for Kazakhstan in the first half of the year. The EBRD forecasts that in 2025, the country’s real GDP will likely grow by 5.5% amid the planned expansion of the Tengiz oil field.

The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Asian Development Outlook (ADO) September 2024 projects 3.6% growth of Kazakhstan’s gross domestic product (GDP) this year, slightly lower than the bank’s previous forecast of 3.8% in April 2024. The reason is a weaker service expansion in the first half of the year, lower oil outputs, massive spring floods, and a slowdown in investment. ADB forecasts Kazakhstan’s economic growth to accelerate to 5.1% in 2025.

The government of Kazakhstan anticipates the country’s economic growth at 5.6% in 2025.

The EBRD report forecasts Kyrgyzstan’s GDP growth to reach 9% in 2024 before moderating slightly to 7% in 2025. The country’s growth potential stems from the expansion of tourism, investment in infrastructure, and gold exports. Both remittances and real wages have remained elevated, helping retail and wholesale trade grow.

ADB projects 6.3% growth for Kyrgyzstan in 2024 and 5.8% in 2025. Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Economy forecasts economic growth of 6.3% in 2024 and 6% in 2025.

Kyrgyzstan’s Minister of Economy, Daniyar Amangeldiev, has explained why the economic forecasts from international financial institutions sometimes differ from those of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Economy.

According to Amangeldiev, the forecasts differ because international financial organizations often do not take into account specific measures and actions that the government plans, each of which would potentially impact the country’s economic growth. He added that international forecasts can be skeptical, based on data that may not reflect all the government’s actions.

According to the EBRD report, Tajikistan’s GDP growth is projected to reach 8% in 2024 and 7% in 2025. Hikes in public-sector salaries, pensions, and minimum wages drove domestic demand in the year’s first half, boosting the retail and wholesale trade sectors. The resumption of precious and semi-precious metal exports increased public infrastructure spending, and fixed capital investment was a major growth factor. However, fluctuations in remittances from Tajik labor migrants working in Russia present a significant downside risk for the Tajik economy.

ADB forecasts Tajikistan’s economy to grow 6.5% in 2024 and 2025.

The EBRD report says Turkmenistan’s economy has shown stability in recent years, citing investment in public infrastructure projects, production facilities, and fixed capital investment as key growth factors. Launching a new single window for export-import operations has improved Turkmenistan’s customs efficiency and simplified transit procedures, enabling higher freight turnover. This has led to the expansion of the country’s transportation sector. The EBRD forecasts the national economy to grow 6.3% in 2024 and 2025. The report warns that weaker Chinese growth could negatively impact demand for Turkmen natural gas.

ADB projects Turkmenistan’s growth at 6.5% in 2024 and 6% in 2025.

The EBRD report attributes Uzbekistan’s economic growth to increased remittances and tourist arrivals. It notes the strengthening of the country’s services and industrial production sectors. The EBRD expects Uzbekistan’s economy to expand by 6% in 2024 and 2025 on continued market-oriented reforms and infrastructure investments. However, an energy deficit, which has already led to increased natural gas imports, could pose a challenge and limit growth opportunities.

ADB projects Uzbekistan’s growth to be 6% in 2024 and 6.2% in 2025.

Sergey Kwan

Sergey Kwan

Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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