Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani (right) and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi press the button to launch the Afghan-India Friendship Dam (photo from the Indian Prime Minister’s website)

Afghanistan and India inaugurate major dam in Herat

KABUL (TCA) — Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on June 4 inaugurated the Afghan-India Friendship Dam in Afghanistan’s western Herat province.

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Times of Central Asia

Parliamentary system still in the making in Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK (TCA) — As Kyrgyzstan marked the Day of Parliamentarism on June 4, Kyrgyz MP Dastan Bekeshev said that parliamentary democracy is still developing in Kyrgyzstan. “It is too early to say that the parliamentary governance has been established in Kyrgyzstan, so it is necessary to further strengthen it,” he said at the roundtable dedicated to the development of the parliamentary system in Kyrgyzstan.

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Times of Central Asia