Mailuu-Suu, a mining town in Kyrgyzstan, has been identified by the EU as one of the priority sites

EU and EBRD help rehabilitate Kyrgyzstan’s uranium mine sites

BISHKEK (TCA) — A joint mission by the European Commission (EC) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have tackled the problem of uranium legacy mining sites in Kyrgyzstan. On June 13 and 14, the mission has focused on the next steps to take together with the Kyrgyz Republic, the European Union’s Delegation to Kyrgyzstan said.

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Sergey Kwan


Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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Trading house for domestic producers to open in Kazakhstan’s capital

ASTANA (TCA) — A new trading house to sell goods of domestic producers will soon be opened in Kazakhstan’s capital city, Astana.

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Sergey Kwan


Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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World-known online taxi service to work in Astana

ASTANA (TCA) — A memorandum between the municipality of Kazakhstan’s capital Astana, the State Revenue Committee of the Kazakh Finance Ministry, and the company Uber was signed on June 10 in Astana, the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan reported.

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Sergey Kwan


Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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European brands seek opportunities with Kyrgyz apparel manufacturers

BISHKEK (TCA) — Major German retailer KiK last week met with Kyrgyz apparel companies to discuss opportunities with European buyers. The meeting was part of the Apparel Innovation Club supported by the United States through USAID’s Business Growth Initiative to strengthen the Kyrgyz textile industry, the US Embassy in Bishkek said.

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Sergey Kwan


Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev chairs the Security Council meeting on June 10 (

Nazarbayev accuses Salafi movement of Aktobe attacks, orders to tighten laws

ASTANA (TCA) — At the meeting of Kazakhstan’s Security Council last Friday, President Nursultan Nazarbayev described the June 5 attacks in the Kazakh city of Aktobe senseless and cruel and said that the Salafi movement was responsible for them.   

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Sergey Kwan


Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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Stratfor’s Global Intelligence: Week of June 13, 2016

BISHKEK (TCA) — The Times of Central Asia presents to its readers Stratfor’s Global Intelligence, a weekly review of the most important events that happened in the world — from Europe to Middle East to Russia to Central Asia to Afghanistan to China and the Americas.

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Sergey Kwan


Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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