One Billion Points for Planting Trees: Payme Users Helping Green Navoi
By allowing users to donate their accumulated points to good causes, the Payme app, part of the Payme Mahalla, has, since its launch in December 2022, funded projects for schools in Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan, including the purchase of computers, sports equipment and stationery. Users of the Payme payment service have collected a billion points to support the project to turn Navoi green, a scheme initiated by ecoactivist and blogger Mutabar Khushvaktova (urikguli). Thanks to this action, more than a thousand trees were planted on the territory of Navoiazot JSC in November alone. The project began in October, when Khushvaktova announced a fundraiser for tree planting on her blog. Initially, the collection progressed slowly, but since Payme connected its users through the Mahalla loyalty program, in just a few days the required amount was raised, confirming that thousands of people are willing to support environmental initiatives. The trees were planted under the guidance of biologists and soil scientists. Garden elms, ideally suited to the climatic conditions of the region, were selected for the project. The site for planting was coordinated with the local authorities, with Navoiazot JSC taking care of the trees.