Kyrgyzstan looks to new energy sources

BISHKEK (TCA) — Kyrgyzstan’s hydropower can provide 120 million people with electricity, but due to problems in the energy sector it is not able to provide even the country’s 6 million population, said Kyrgyz MP Omurbek Tekebayev. The problems are old including poor management, corruption, and technical and commercial losses. As a result, Kyrgyzstan has become dependent on the policies of neighboring countries, and the state cannot provide energy independence.

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Times of Central Asia

A terrorism virus spreading from Asia to Western Europe

LONDON (TCA) — Bomb attack wreckage in Europe, the plight of Syrian war refugees, the fight against Daesh on the ground and Turkey’s ambivalent role in it and Central Asia’s brewing hotbeds – where do they all come together? The question looks obvious, but it seems amidst the political whirlwinds that everybody somehow involved has a different answer to it – often a contradictory and seldom a convincing one.

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Times of Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan Economy Minister Arzybek Kojoshev and German Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Peter Rudolf Scholz sign Agreements on financial and technical cooperation between the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Germany (Economy Ministry photo)

Germany gives 54 million euros in grants to Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK (TCA) — Agreements on financial and technical cooperation between the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Germany were signed in Bishkek on March 24.

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Times of Central Asia