• KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
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  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
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  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
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Viewing results 1 - 6 of 3

Petition against ‘LGBT Propaganda’ in Kazakhstan: Opinions and Comments

A recent petition against so-called "LGBT propaganda", which gathered more than 50 thousand signatures, has resonated throughout Kazakhstan. According to legislation, the Ministry of Culture and Information is now obliged to consider this petition. The petition ‘We are Against Open and Concealed LGBT Propaganda’ authored by Kazakhstan’s Parents’ Union, followed the block in January, of a LGBT community website which the Ministry of Culture claimed to contain information “harmful to the health and development of children.” Reporting on the issue, TCA quoted the reactions of various public figures, including Khalida Azhigulova, a human rights activist and lawyer who pronouncing the petition illegal, claimed it transmitted “hatred and intolerance toward an entire social group.” She also asserted that “a ban on so-called LGBT propaganda would be a gross violation of Kazakhstan’s international human rights obligations.” Echoing her sentiment, feminist and activist Aigerim Kusayynkgzy, stated, “In terms of human rights, I hope such inhumane laws will not be passed.” Bagila Baltabaeva, head of the group leading the petition, reiterated its stance that through books, films, TV and social media, “same-sex love is being openly forced on our children,” promoting “unhealthy relationships.” She also warned that “those who work up the courage and speak out against LGBT propaganda are branded as retrogrades and conservatists.” Public reaction has been mixed and whilst many citizens have openly expressed their views, many have chosen to remain quiet for fear of repercussions and prejudice. TCA took to the streets to gauge current response. All contributors expressed a wish to remain anonymous. I was extremely concerned after reading this news. But at the same time, since I am sure that the president sees only democracy and approximation to European values as the way forward for our country’s development, I am not too worried about it. Kostanai advertiser  I think this is a bogus petition, accepted under the guise of a "hearing" state run by a  government that only purports to pay attention to the opinion of its citizens. I am sure that the majority voted on a voluntary-coercive basis, as is often the case. Many of those who voted, I believe, are civil servants, at whose expense such a large number – of signatures - was gained. This petition will be accepted because that's what the government wants. Other petitions which also garner 50 thousand votes, but not in the hands of the government, are for some reason never accepted. Taraz singer I have mixed feelings, but above all, am shocked by the level of response. How can it be that so many people are unhappy enough to willingly sign such a petition? Our country is riddled with problems in more urgent need of petitions. Almaty journalist In my opinion, there is no such thing as ‘LGBT propaganda’. One cannot become subsumed by the LGBT community through its exposure on TV or the Internet: a person is either born that way or not. Such a law will reduce the public presence of "non-traditional" relationships in society, but not...

Controversial Petition on “LGBT Propaganda” Passes Threshold for Consideration in Kazakhstan

A petition against so-called “LGBT propaganda” has received more than 50,000 signatures, meaning Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Culture and Information must consider it. However, a number of experts believe that restrictions on the gay community would damage Kazakhstan’s image. In addition, the petition’s authors are known for their controversial initiatives.  The Kazakhstan Parents' Union is the author of the petition “We are Against Open and Concealed LGBT Propaganda in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” which was published on the official E-Petition.kz portal. According to Article 90-4 of the Administrative Procedural Code, the government must consider a petition with 50,000 signatures. A working group including interested parties, government agencies, and public associations will be created. The consideration of official petitions are a relatively recent innovation. So far, only three have collected the required number of signatures. The first came in the wake of the Nukenova murder at the hands of a disgraced former minister.  It was considered by the Kazakhstan president himself and brought about landmark legislation on domestic violence. The decision to allow public input via petitions is seen as a sign of the fulfillment of President Tokayev's promise of a more engaging and aware "listening state." Kazakhstan has seen repeated attempts to include in various legislative acts such a ban on promoting “nontraditional relations.” However, these amendments were not adopted, though numerous Mazhilis (lower chamber of parliament) deputies and public figures spoke out in favor of them. Nevertheless, there have been cases in Kazakhstan where media products containing what is deemed “homosexual content” did not reach the market. For example, in 2022, the former Minister of Culture and Information, Dauren Abaev, announced that, "In response to numerous requests from citizens and the media, I inform you, the animated film Lightyear will not be shown in Kazakhstan." Officially, however, the ministry did not prohibit the screening of the Hollywood animation in cinemas. According to rumors, distributors themselves canceled showings in response to the public outcry. Also, in January 2024, a website for LGBT people was blocked in Kazakhstan. The site, among other things, had materials to help young people answer questions about their sexual orientation. “During monitoring of the internet resource selftanu.kz, a violation of the law was identified related to the posting of information harmful to the health and development of children,” the Ministry of Culture stated in justifying blocking the site. The head of the group pushing the current petition, Bagila Baltabaeva, stated that, “Same-sex love is being openly forced on our children. It is forced [on them] in bookstores, on TV screens, and on smartphones. Young people openly spread [information about] and promote their unhealthy relationships. Thus, stealthily and subtly, new standards of sexual relations are taking shape among young people. In parallel, it is promoted that traditional values are relics of the past, a sign of backwardness. Therefore, for fear of criticism, many remain silent. And those who work up the courage and speak out against LGBT propaganda are branded as retrogrades and conservatives.” This is not the...

Fringe Kazakh Politicians Propose Prison Terms for Supporters of LGBT Rights

A fringe group of Kazakh politicians are in favor of imprisoning people for supporting LGBT rights and freedoms. Members of parliament Yedil Zhanbyrshin and Samat Musabayev are proposing an amendment to Article 174 of Kazakhstan's Criminal Code, which ostensibly concerns the 'incitement of discord'. Their idea, reports Tengrinews.kz, is to add the phrase: "including by propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations." The penalties for violating this article range from fines of between $16,200 and $57,500, to a prison term of up to seven years. Zhanbyrshin and Musabayev claim that in Kazakhstani society, a traditional family means a man and a woman, and their children -- including adopted children. In turn, however, members of the Majilis (lower house of parliament) have emphasized that the word family, according to the law "On Marriage (Matrimony) and Family," relates to a circle of persons bound by property and personal non-property rights, and obligations arising from marriage. Two other members of the Majilis, Askhat Aimagambetov and Zhanarbek Ashimzhanov, from the Amanat Party, have proposed a ban on the media mentioning LGBT people, and to close or suspend any outlet that did. This amendment was also included in the draft law "On Mass Media," which is currently under consideration.