Uzbekistan Receives $14.8 Billion in Remittances in 2024
The total volume of remittances sent to Uzbekistan in 2024 reached a record $14.8 billion, marking a 30% increase - equivalent to $3.4 billion - compared to the previous year. This data comes from the Central Bank’s Brief Review on Currency Transactions of Individuals. Key Sources of Remittances Russia remains the dominant source of remittances for Uzbekistan, accounting for 77% of the total, or $11.5 billion - a 29% increase from 2023. Other key contributors include: Kazakhstan: $795 million United States: $577 million South Korea: $534 million Turkey: $405 million United Kingdom: $135 million July saw the highest inflow of remittances, with $1.785 billion received, while February recorded the lowest amount, at $738 million. Remittance growth varied significantly by country / region: United Kingdom: Up 83% South Korea: Up 56% United States: Up 35% European Union: Up 32% While inflows surged, the volume of remittances sent abroad from Uzbekistan also grew, increasing by 19% in 2024 to reach $2.8 billion. Russia remains the largest source of remittances to Uzbekistan, thanks to the significant number of Uzbek migrants working there. However, new restrictions introduced in 47 Russian regions, including the occupied territories of Crimea, Sevastopol, and Zaporozhye, could negatively impact Central Asian migrant workers. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, there were more than 6.1 million foreigners in Russia in 2024, the majority from Central Asia and other CIS countries. Among them, over 1.88 million Uzbek citizens visited Russia during the first eight months of the year, underscoring the strong ties between Uzbek migrant labor and Russia's economy. The substantial increase in remittances highlights the critical role of labor migration in Uzbekistan’s economy. However, the evolving regulatory environment in key source countries like Russia could pose challenges for Central Asian migrants and, by extension, Uzbekistan’s remittance-dependent economy.