
Central Asia regional integration: a lesson from the past. Revisiting Halford Mackinder

BISHKEK (TCA) — Editor’s note: We are glad to publish an essay of a young Indian journalist, from the South Asian University of New Delhi. The essay shows how modern infrastructure is trying to resolve old problems in an integrated effort of several countries while requiring worldwide attention for a balanced and peaceful development of Central Asia, the “heartland” between Europe, Russia and China.

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Times of Central Asia


Regional economic integration is key to development success in Central Asia, Caucasus

BISHKEK (TCA) — As the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus celebrate the 25th anniversary of their independence, structural reform has become critical. The key to meeting many of the challenges, and seizing the opportunities of the changing global environment is closer regional economic integration with the rest of Asia and the Pacific.

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Times of Central Asia