• KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%

Viewing results 1 - 6 of 52

EBRD Commits to Green Investment in Tajikistan

EBRD Pledges New Resources for Green Investment in Tajikistan The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is committing fresh funds to facilitating better access to green technologies and climate adaptation for businesses and households in Tajikistan, a news release on the bank's website states. The US$ 50 million Tajikistan Green Economy Financing Facility II (GEFF Tajikistan II), launched by the EBRD and the Green Climate Fund (GCF), will promote higher standards of energy and resource efficiency and support the country’s transition to a greener economy. GEFF Tajikistan II will encourage residential and commercial borrowers to invest in green and innovative solutions (available through the programme’s website) that promote the efficient use of water and the sustainable management of land. It will pay special attention to the country’s agribusiness sector, which employs almost half of Tajikistan’s workforce and is responsible for more than 22.5 per cent of gross domestic product. Up to US$ 13 million, including US$ 11 million under GEFF Tajikistan II, will be earmarked for three domestic financial institutions: Bank Arvand (US$ 4 million), microlenders Humo (US$ 5 million) and Imon International (US$ 4 million). With a joint base of more than 540,000 clients and operational even in remote mountainous parts of the country, the three institutions are well placed to bring much-needed green finance to even the smallest borrowers across Tajikistan. The new facility builds on the US$ 25 million Green Economy Financing Facility I (GEFF Tajikistan I), which was supported by the European Union and operational from 2019 to 2023. GEFF Tajikistan I supported more than 4,600 sub-projects. Each year, these generated over 24,000 MWh of energy savings, reduced CO2 emissions by 5,195 tonnes and cut water consumption by 5.2 million m3. GEFF Tajikistan II is supported by donor funding from South Korea, Austria and the GCF.

EBRD, EU, GCF and South Korea boost climate finance in Tajikistan

DUSHANBE (TCA) — Farmers, businesses and homeowners in Tajikistan will benefit from better access to climate finance thanks to the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) Tajikistan, launched by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on November 21. The US$ 25 million facility will offer loans for investments in high-performing technologies that improve the use of water, energy and land resources in Tajikistan, in partnership with local financial institutions. Humo, a local microfinance institution, is the first partner to join the facility, with a loan of US$ 1 million for on-lending to its clients, the EBRD’s press office said. These loans will cover investments in technologies such as drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting and storage, solar panels and energy-efficient cold-storage facilities. Beneficiaries can identify climate friendly technologies through the Technology Selector database and are supported by the GEFF Tajikistan technical assistance team. GEFF Tajikistan is supported by the European Union (EU), the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and South Korea. The EU offers approximately US$ 4 million of investment incentives to farmers and businesses so that investment in modern and efficient technologies can boost their competitiveness and bring environmental and social benefits. GEFF Tajikistan blends US$ 6.25 million of GCF concessional finance with US$ 18.75 million of EBRD finance. Over US$ 3 million of funding for technical assistance is contributed by the GCF and South Korea. GEFF Tajikistan supports gender activities that aim to enhance women and men’s equal opportunity to access finance for green technologies. GEFF Tajikistan builds on the successful experience of its predecessors, such as the-ECTAP facility, which increased access to finance in the agricultural sector, and CLIMADAPT, which piloted financing for climate resilience. The EU is a strong partner of the EBRD in climate action and supports 14 GEFFs across Central Asia and beyond. To date, the GCF has been supporting EBRD programmes worth US$ 830 million, catalysing more than US$ 3.6 billion in total project value. The GCF is the largest climate fund in the world to support developing countries’ efforts to respond to the challenge of climate change. The EBRD has invested nearly €670 million (US$ 740 million equivalent) in various sectors of Tajikistan’s economy to date. The country is highly vulnerable to climate change, with water resources, the agricultural sector, transport infrastructure and public health particularly exposed.

Prospects to develop green economy through private sector discussed in Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK (TCA) — The OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek supported a conference entitled Prospects to Develop the Green Economy through the Private Sector that took place on November 14. It was organized during the annual Green Economy Week held from 11 to 17 November. Continue reading

Uzbekistan hosts business forum on green technologies

TASHKENT (TCA) — Strengthening cooperation in the field of environmental and sustainable development in Central Asia was the focus of the 2019 OSCE Second Central Asian International Business Forum on 9 and 10 October in Tashkent. Continue reading

EBRD and GCF boost Kazakhstan’s green power generation

ASTANA (TCA) — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is teaming up with a new investor in Kazakhstan’s renewable energy sector, Joachim Goldbeck Holding GmbH, to construct a new 100MW solar plant in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan, a regional leader in solar power generation. Loan and project support agreements were signed on November 28 in Astana for the largest solar power plant built at one time in Central Asia, the EBRD said. Continue reading

Kazakhstan has decade to prepare for global switch away from oil, EBRD report says

ASTANA (TCA) — Ahead of the major climate conference, COP24, a new European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) report looks at Kazakhstan, reliant on oil exports for about half of its revenues, and the implications for the country’s finances of a global shift away from fossil fuels. Continue reading