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28 September 2024

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Turkmenistan and EU Launch Ambitious Green Development Project for 2024-2028

The European Union and Turkmenistan have officially launched a new project entitled “EU for Turkmenistan's Green Development: Policy Dialogue and Climate Action 2024-2028.” The project, funded by the EU and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims to support environmentally sustainable development in Turkmenistan using best practices and EU standards. The initiative will implement measures to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, including reducing methane and greenhouse gas emissions. The project was launched in May 2024 following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the State Concern Turkmengaz, and the German organization GIZ. This coincided with the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the EU and Turkmenistan. The document emphasizes the importance of further cooperation in energy and climate policy. According to project manager Karolina Milov, the key focus will be creating an effective dialog between the EU and Turkmenistan's state structures to promote green energy. Strengthening the capacity of state institutions to develop climate change adaptation measures is also planned. The project includes two pilot areas that will demonstrate adaptation measures in renewable energy, methane emissions monitoring, and other environmental initiatives. These collaborative efforts are expected to mitigate the effects of climate change, both regionally and globally. Turkmenistan is actively developing green energy and technology initiatives. In recent years, the country has started launching several renewable energy projects. One of the key projects is constructing the country's first 10 MW hybrid wind-solar power plant in the Balkan province, creating a sustainable energy system for remote areas. Also, in 2022, an agreement was reached with Masdar from the UAE to build the country's first large-scale solar power plant with a capacity of 100 MW. In 2023, the government of Turkmenistan contracted a Turkish company to build a 1,574 MW power plant.

2 weeks ago

Citing Obstacles, Polling Group ‘Central Asia Barometer’ to Stop Work

Central Asia Barometer, a non-governmental group that surveys public opinion in Central Asia with the help of international partners, said on Monday that it faces insecurity and challenges to “academic freedom” and will temporarily suspend all operations on December 1. “This long-planned decision is due to the growing insecurity and challenges in conducting ethical survey research in the region, which has significantly impacted our ability to continue our work,” Kasiet Ysmanova, director of the Central Asia Barometer, said in a statement. The group is based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. While Ysmanova did not go into details about the problems that the Central Asia Barometer was encountering, rights groups have long pointed out that advocates for freedom of expression and other democratic principles can face persecution in a region steeped in authoritarian traditions.  Earlier this year, Kyrgyzstan´s passage of a law tightening control over non-governmental organizations that receive foreign funding raised more concern about the erosion of such rights, though the government there alleges that some of the groups are corrupt and has urged international critics to stay out of its internal affairs. In April, the Open Society Foundations criticized the law as restrictive and ill-defined and said it was closing its national foundation in Kyrgyzstan. Maximilian Hess, founder of Ementena Advisory, a political risk company based in London, said on X that the Central Asia Barometer was “long a valuable resource to researchers such as myself” and that its suspension of operations was a “very worrying development.” The Central Asia Barometer says its mission is to provide data that helps institutions make informed decisions for the benefit of people in the region. Its website lists 18 partners, including the U.N. International Organization for Migration, Sunway University in Malaysia, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Germany and Abu Dhabi-based TRENDS Research & Advisory. American partners include D3 Systems, Inc. and the Central Asia Program at George Washington University.  The Central Asia polling group says it gets funding from research grants, paid subscriptions to survey data, omnibus surveys and contract work for research.  Last year, the Central Asia Barometer conducted research on attitudes in Central Asia toward Russia's war in Ukraine, and Central Asian perceptions of Turkey and other countries. In addition, Ysmanova, the director, wrote an article about awareness in Central Asia of discrimination against labor migrants for a book about human rights in the region. The group has also surveyed people about the economy, the environment, public health and other issues. The group said that it will maintain a small team to answer emails and other requests after ceasing operations on December 1.   “We hope that the situation regarding academic freedom in the region improves, allowing us to resume our activities in the future,” Ysmanova said. 

2 weeks ago

A Closer Look: Scholz Trip Shows Europe’s Interest in Central Asia

Energy, trade, climate change, geopolitical conflict. These are some of the big themes surrounding a trip by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Central Asia, whose countries seek to expand their range of international partners while securing their autonomy from outside, sometimes competing influences. Joined by German business leaders, Scholz was scheduled to arrive in Uzbekistan on Sunday and also visit Kazakhstan prior to a Central Asia-Germany summit there on Tuesday, the last day of his tour. It is Scholz’s first trip to Central Asia, signaling how important the region has become for Europe as it seeks new energy alternatives to reduce dependence on supplies from Russia since Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Western-backed Ukraine in February 2022. The relationship goes beyond the stopgap purchase of energy and minerals, even though Russian officials has accused Western countries of trying to use Central Asia as a tool in their conflict with Russia. At an inaugural summit last year in Berlin, Germany along with Kazakhstan, Kyr­gyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan agreed to a “strategic regional partnership.” European countries recognize that the Central Asia is deeply bound to Russia and China, the regional powers, and that European and Central Asian goals and priorities won’t always align, according to Western analysts. However, Central Asian countries also recognize that engaging with Europe, the United States and other more distant partners is in their interests because it helps them to maintain strategic autonomy and leverage. “If the Central Asian states want to gain weight and be heard in the emerging multipolar world order, they must strength­en their technological, industrial and geopolitical independence,” analysts said in a commentary posted by the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, which advises the German government and parliament. “This does not necessarily imply decoupling from Russia and China, but rather spreading risk through the addition (not substitution) of partners.” The analysts said Germany should bolster Central Asian autonomy by helping to strengthen the region’s “crisis resilience” via support on issues such as transport routes, electricity infrastructure and water management. They also said European efforts to “win the support of regional states for Western sanctions against Russia must be measured against the realities on the ground” – an apparent reference to the trade with Russia that Central Asia considers vital to its economies. Kazakhstan, which shares a long land border with Russia, has in particular faced a difficult balancing act on sanctions. At a press briefing with Scholz in Berlin in September 2023, Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said his country would comply with Western sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine war while still cooperating with its neighbor. However, Serik Zhumangarin, Kazakhstan’s deputy prime minister and trade minister, told the Bloomberg news agency last month that Kazakhstan won’t always “blindly follow the sanctions” and will be looking out for its own economic interests. Human rights groups want Scholz to bring up freedoms and the rule of law during his trip to Central Asia. They argue that avoiding the topic will only hinder efforts to bring German investment...

2 weeks ago

Video Highlights: World Nomad Games Day Six

On the final day of the World Nomad Games, themed as the “Gathering of the Great Steppe,”  TCA took in the Tenge Ilu and the Baige, with a focus on the Kusbegilik (hunting with birds). It's been a blast! Stick with us and let's Go Nomad again in 2026. [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://timesca.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/nomad-game_2.mp4"][/video]

2 weeks ago

Video Highlights: World Nomad Games Day Five

On the fifth day of the World Nomad Games, themed as the “Gathering of the Great Steppe,” TCA soaked up the raucous atmosphere and took in the finals of the equestrian events, including the ever-popular kokpar and kok boru: [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://timesca.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/nomad-game-1.mp4"][/video]

2 weeks ago