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Tajikistan’s Acute Hunger Issue

Tajikistan has been recognized as the hungriest country among the former Soviet republics. According to the Global Hunger Index prepared by the International Food Policy Institute, 8.7% of the country's population faces food shortages, and ranked 65th out of 127 countries in the world, is on par with countries such as Nicaragua and Ghana. Lower index scores equal less food problems. Assessments of hunger are based on child mortality, stunting, and wasting and in recent years, Tajikistan has consistently ranked lowest among post-Soviet countries in the Global Hunger Index. Despite attempts to improve the situation, the country remains one of the most vulnerable in the region. Today, 18.4% of children under five are stunted due to malnutrition, 5.1% are wasted, and 3% of children do not survive to the age of five; all indicative of  serious food security problems in the country. According to the Global Hunger Index, malnutrition varies widely across the former Soviet Union. The best results are demonstrated by Uzbekistan, which ranks first among countries with minimal hunger issues. In the republic, less than 2.5% of the population faces food shortages. Stunting affects 6.5% of children; wasting ,2.4% of children, and infant mortality does not exceed 3.1%. Uzbekistan was the only Central Asian country to rank highly among the 22 former Soviet republics with the lowest hunger rates, including Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, and Georgia. Belarus and Lithuania consistently demonstrate a high level of food security, making them among the leaders of the former Soviet republics. Armenia and Kazakhstan, in contrast, rank 23rd and 25th, respectively, demonstrating moderate nutritional problems among the population. Moldova, ranked 26th, has a similar situation: malnutrition remains relatively low but requires attention. Kyrgyzstan ranks 36th and Ukraine 46th, indicating average hunger levels. Turkmenistan was ranked 50th. The situation is particularly dire in Africa, which tops the list of countries with the most significant hunger problems. South Sudan, Burundi, Somalia, Yemen, and Chad, recognized as the hungriest countries in the world, experience extremely high rates of child mortality and malnutrition among their populations.

Kazakhstan Welcomes Prospect of French Cuisine in Almaty

The Almaty City Tourism Department has reported that the famous French culinary school, Ecole Lenôtre, is considering establishing joint programs with the city's universities and restaurants. During his visit to Almaty, Jean Pierre Alba, Development Director of Ecole Lenôtre, familiarized himself with educational institutions and restaurants with a view to setting up partnerships and introducing training in French cuisine to Kazakhstan's educational curriculum. “Almaty is a unique city in its geographical location and the diversity of its cuisine. I have noticed that local pastry chefs are inspired by culinary experience and international cooking while honouring and preserving national gastronomic traditions. This combination can help launch joint educational programs and business collaborations. We are eager to share our knowledge with the city's restaurant professionals and learn the secrets of national cooking,” announced Jean Pierre Alba. Established in Paris in 1971, Ecole Lenôtre is a professional training school for chefs and pastry chefs. Its founder, chef, and pastry chef, Gaston Lenôtre, is renowned worldwide as an outstanding innovator in the culinary field. Every year, over 3,000 pastry chefs are trained at the French culinary school, and many of its graduates are Michelin-starred. Looking to the future, the Almaty Tourism Department commented, “Gastronomic tourism in Almaty is rapidly gaining popularity due to its rich cultural heritage and variety of culinary delights. The visit to Ecole Lenôtre is a significant event for our city."

Kyrgyz Sugar Farmers Being Ruined By Imports

Favorable weather conditions will allow Kyrgyz farmers to harvest a large beet crop this year. However, this will not stop the flow of imported sugar, as local production capacity covers only 65% of domestic needs. Cheap sugar imported from Russia and Kazakhstan could bankrupt farms. The sugar beet harvest in Kyrgyzstan usually begins in October-November, when processing begins. According to the ministry of agriculture, local farmers do not fully supply sugar beets to processing plants. Therefore, sugar has to be imported from Russia and Kazakhstan, jeopardizing the country's food security. Farmers themselves argue that cheap imports make beet cultivation unprofitable. Today there are about 3,000 beet farms in Kyrgyzstan, but their number is rapidly decreasing as it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive in the market. Nevertheless, the government is trying to rectify the situation by giving farmers 7 billion som ($78.6m) in soft loans. "If we talk about crops, they are not bad now. Only the lazy will be able to spoil the harvest. The weather conditions are excellent this year: there is moisture, not much heat, but enough, and beet is doing well. I think the harvest will be above average this year," Chui region farmer Mirgasym Allakhveranov told The Times of Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan should stop importing sugar from abroad and rely only on its own production, he said. The situation, he thinks, is exacerbated by the actions of resellers who export beets out of the country. "For the farmer it is very good, when they export beets (abroad), it means that the price will increase. But for the population it is not very good, because then the price of sugar rises. There is less sugar in the country and deficit begins. Naturally, traders, who have a special nose for these things, immediately raise prices," Allakhveranov added. According to official data, since the beginning of 2024, Kyrgyz authorities have already imported 10,800 tons of sugar worth $6.4m. The figures show that Kyrgyz stocks of the product are dwindling. Earlier, the ministry of agriculture submitted for public discussion a draft law proposing a ban on sugar exports until early fall. "The population's demand for the year is 145.7 thousand tons, in order to avoid a market price frenzy, as well as taking into account the temporary bans on the export of cane or beet sugar from Russia and Kazakhstan, it is necessary to establish a temporary ban on exports until the new harvest," reads the draft government resolution. To fully supply Kyrgyzstan with granulated sugar, about 20,000 hectares of beets must be planted each year, processing plant owners say. This year, 15,000 hectares were planted despite government subsidies. Farmer Mirgasym Allakhveranov said that in the 1960s, Kyrgyz beet was considered the best in Central Asia. Scientists worked to create a root crop that yielded a good harvest. But the methods they developed no longer exist – farmers buy seeds in Europe that are not always suitable for the local climate. This affects beet yields and leads to a...

Central Asians Not Bananas About Bananas

According to the agricultural trade publication East Fruit, Central Asians have little taste for bananas. Kazakhstan has the highest consumption rate but with an average of  4.5 kg of fresh bananas eaten per person, per year, comes nowhere near Uganda where each year, individuals enjoy a whopping 270 kg of bananas. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are  fast catching up with Kazakhstan whilst in Tajikistan, the annual banana consumption per head  is only 2.3 kg. In Turkmenistan, it appears that many citizens never touch the fruit.  Lagging far behind its neighbours, a very modest  160 grams  are consumed per head, per year; a figure which according to East Fruit analysts is even lower than that recorded for North Korea. Not surprisingly,  countries with the highest banana consumption tend to be those  where the fruit is grown and exported and by way of explaining the above data, Andriy Yarmak, an economist in the investment department of the Unites Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) stated,  "Such a low consumption of bananas in Central Asian countries is due to the distance of the countries from the port infrastructure, which makes logistics very expensive. In addition, many countries in the region have high tariff and non-tariff barriers that prevent the import of exotic fruits into these regions. The third factor is the relatively low prices of local fruits, especially in the season of their mass production.”

Food Aid for 1.5 Million People in Tajikistan

To help families in Tajikistan, increasingly in need of food supplies, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has allocated $7 million to the United Nations World Food Program (UNWFP) The funding will help meet both the needs of vulnerable sectors of the population and strengthen the local government's capacity to combat the effects of persistent price increases. In Tajikistan, the UNWFP currently guarantees access to good nutrition for over 120,000 people in 24,000 households. According to the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM), it was estimated that 1.56 million of the country's citizens people went hungry in 2023. Since then, circumstances have changed for the better. Acute food insecurity amongst the population fell to 16 percent from 20 percent. Nevertheless, WFP monitors continue to keep a watchful eye on household food security and market conditions, and are ready, if needed, to raise additional funds to feed families.

Kyrgyzstan Becomes an Industrial Producer of Black Caviar

Until recently Kyrgyzstan has not produced or exported black caviar -- but by the end of 2024 the republic will have made several tons of it. Today Kyrgyzstan is breeding different species of sturgeon fish, which produce black caviar. Female fish purchased 4-5 years ago have now reached sexual maturity, and can produce a high volume of black caviar. Fish farm owners believe it is much cheaper to produce caviar in Kyrgyzstan than in Kazakhstan or Russia because of the better climatic conditions. "Sturgeon [reach maturity] in 4-5 years in our country, while in Russia it takes 8-10 years," the Kyrgyz fisheries association commented. One of Kyrgyzstan's fish companies said that as of a week ago, the country was not on the world's black caviar production lists. But today they are already harvesting caviar using the so-called 'lifetime method'. That means the caviar is simply squeezed out of a live fish. Therefore, from one fish it's possible to harvest caviar several times over the fish's lifetime. According to the producers, such caviar is usually larger in size and discernible by taste. "At the moment we are not talking about dozens, but hundreds of kilograms of caviar. By the end of 2024, tons of products will be produced, which will soon be available for sale on the shelves of domestic stores. At the moment, work is underway to produce cans and stickers," said Kyrgyz meat company ichthyologist Alexander Dytynyak. Meanwhile, black caviar exports from Kyrgyzstan to Russia have already begun. According to Russian Customs Service data, black caviar from Kyrgyzstan was not supplied to the Russian market at all until 2022, when 1.7 tons of it were sent. Experts from the food oversight agency Rosselkhoznadzor suspect that the caviar supplied to Russia is not actually produced in Kyrgyzstan, but is re-exported from Europe. To verify these speculations, the Russian inspection body inspected Kyrgyz fish farms last year. However, not all enterprises agreed to let Russian specialists in. "The refusal to participate in the inspection confirms the validity of Rosselkhoznadzor's claims and the possibility of supplying products from third countries under the guise of Kyrgyz products," the Russian agency reported. Last year, representatives of the European Union (EU) also noted the growth of caviar exports from Europe to Kyrgyzstan. According to them, after the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia, exports of the delicacy from Europe to Kyrgyzstan increased many times over.