Viewing results 1 - 6 of 190

Surviving on a pension in Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK (TCA) — A Government performance can be assessed by how it takes care of the elderly. Continue reading

EU launches new project to support social protection sector in Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK (TCA) — A round table was held on January 19 dedicated to the start of a new EU funded project "Technical Assistance to the Implementation of the Sector Reform Contract: Social Protection Kyrgyzstan". The project is for two years and will be implemented by a consortium led by Oxford Policy Management, a British consulting company. The budget of the project is EUR 1,820,800, the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic said. Continue reading

2017 declared the Year of Health and Inspiration in Turkmenistan

ASHGABAT (TCA) — At the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, 2017 has been declared the Year of Health and Inspiration in Turkmenistan, the country’s official online newspaper Turkmenistan: the Golden Age reported. Continue reading

Quality of education should be improved in Kyrgyzstan, MPs say

BISHKEK (TCA) — It is necessary to reduce the number of universities and improve the quality of education in Kyrgyzstan, deputies of the Kyrgyz Parliament said on December 16 discussing the situation in the country’s education system. The meeting was attended by Vice Prime Minister Cholpon Sultanbekova. Continue reading

Kazakhstan’s national, int’l stakeholders discuss implementing SDGs

ASTANA (TCA) — Nazarbayev University in Astana on November 21 hosted a round-table meeting which explored the theme “Policy and Research for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Kazakhstan”. The meeting was part of a series of other events that raise awareness about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), enabling countries to tailor the Goals to their needs. The meeting was organized by Nazarbayev University, United Nations Development Programme, National Analytical Centre and Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana. Continue reading

World Bank outlines Afghanistan support to cut poverty

KABUL (TCA) — The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on October 27 approved $120 million in grants for Afghanistan and discussed the 2017-2020 Country Partnership Framework (CPF) that sets out the institution’s plans for supporting the country in ending poverty. Continue reading