Uzbek-Chinese Team Uncovers Han Dynasty Relics
A joint archaeological team from China and Uzbekistan has unearthed significant cultural relics at the Mengchaktepa site in Uzbekistan. Among the discoveries are silk fragments, coins, and a bronze mirror dating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). The excavation uncovered six tombs and two buildings. These findings could provide deeper insights into the Silk Road during the Wei (220-265), Jin (265-420), and Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-589). This marks the first discovery of silk at Mengchaktepa or anywhere in the Fergana Valley in nearly 40 years. The last such finding, in the 1980s, confirmed that the silk was produced in China. Since 2012, the China-Uzbekistan archaeological team has focused on excavating Mengchaktepa, uncovering relics that underscore frequent trade and cultural exchanges in the region. The area excavated in 2024 is located in the northwest corner of the site. Research from 1986 indicated that this part of the site was contemporaneous with the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties in China. Liu Tao, a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and leader of the archaeological team, noted that silk fragments were discovered near the tibia of a tomb skeleton. These fragments are believed to be remnants of trousers. Further studies are underway to confirm the silk’s origin. Copper coins were also recovered, including one too rusted to identify markings. Researchers determined it to be a Chinese-style coin featuring a circular shape with a square hole, reflecting Chinese cultural influence. Both the silk and coins have been sent to a laboratory for detailed analysis, with results expected in 2025. The six tombs excavated feature unique designs distinct from ancient Chinese tombs. They employed reed coffins, constructed using locally available reed stalks braided and wrapped with wood. This adaptation likely utilized materials sourced near the Syr Darya River. However, the tomb structures resemble those of Central China. They include passages, adobe-sealed doors, and cave chambers. One of the larger tombs measures 3 meters wide, 4 meters long, and 2 meters high. It features an arched ceiling, steps connecting the passage to the chamber, and an adobe gate. Cave chamber tombs first appeared during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) and became prominent during the Han Dynasty. The Times of Central Asia previously reported that this team had unearthed seven tombs, two buildings, and numerous artifacts, including silk fabrics, leather goods, bronze mirrors, square-holed coins, and beads at Mengchaktepa. These findings continue to shed light on the rich cultural and trade connections between Central Asia and China in ancient times.