• KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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Viewing results 1 - 6 of 121

Bishimbayev Trial: Will the “Show” Shift Reality?

The trial of Kuandyk Bishimbayev, accused of murdering his common-law wife, Saltanat Nukenova, is coming to an end with the verdict now in the hands of the jury. The trial has resonated widely in Kazakhstani society, but according to Gulmira Ileuova, a sociologist and head of the public foundation, Strategy: Center for Social and Political Research, Kazakhstan still has a long way to go to successfully fight abusive relationships. Ileuva commented on the case in an interview with the Times of Central Asia.   TCA: In Kazakhstan, Bishimbayev's trial has received a huge amount of attention, and Nukenova's death is being discussed at home and abroad, with rallies being held in her memory. Moreover, a law toughening penalties for domestic violence has recently been passed. Will that help to radically change the situation with violence to which thousands of Kazakhstani women are subjected every year? Ileuova: It seems to me that Bishimbayev's trial has influenced some categories of people - those who are ready to listen and draw conclusions. But society in a broader sense will not be overtly affected by this situation. Specialists are watching the trial, examining the behavior of lawyers, prosecutors, and other participants. Conclusions are also being drawn that the arguments used by the defense remain childish, infantile. Public opinion attributes to Bishimbayev's lawyers, let's say, the moral image of Bishimbayev himself. Psychologists will also draw conclusions: about problems with upbringing, family relations, etc. But in general, the feeling is that of a show having been created, captivating the audience, and making [the audience] terrified or delighted. Emotional swings are created, adrenaline is produced, and accordingly, people watch and get involved. But I doubt that there has been a profound shift in society against the backdrop of the trial. There needs to be a lot of additional activities, outreach, to tie the new law on domestic violence, in particular, to direct practice. Just the other day, the wife of a Kazakhstani diplomat appealed to the authorities for protection, saying that her husband had been torturing her for years and had beaten her again. This particular man did not draw any conclusions from Bishimbayev's story, including concerning his own actions. This official should have realized that the president was one of the most active initiators of the law on domestic violence. Of course, further public reaction will also be influenced by the expected decision of the court in the Bishimbayev case. If the principle of the inevitability of punishment and changes in the judicial system are demonstrated, there will be a certain shift. However, for now it is perceived mainly as a show. There is still an educational effect [only] in a small segment of society.   TCA: Why doesn't society perceive such clear signals? Why isn't there a shift to zero tolerance for domestic violence? Ileuova: We want change too fast, which is hardly possible because the inertia within society is huge. If women are sold for kalym (bride price or dowry), then they are still...

Kazakhstan Proposes Life Imprisonment for Drug Traffickers

Kazakhstan plans to toughen punishment for drug traffickers by introducing the possibility of life imprisonment for convicted dealers. Legislative amendments have already been presented in the Majilis (lower house of parliament). Kazakhstan has become the center of synthetic drug production in Central Asia, member of parliament Dmitry Koloda said. Drug traffickers, he says, have become more creative in recent years and have established several new transportation networks. However, existing laws don't provide for criminal liability for the trafficking of components inside the country. "Law enforcement's hands are tied. In fact, they are forced to wait for drug traffickers to proceed directly to the 'cooking' of drugs. Otherwise, the case will have no judicial perspective," said Koloda. The bill also proposes strengthening criminal liability for trafficking in potent substances, such as tropicamide and pregabalin. Those narcotics are popular with drug addicts, including teenage users. Kazakh parliamentarians have introduced amendments that seek to equate illegal drug production with the most dangerous types of drug offenses. The punishment for that level of serious crime is up to life imprisonment. Currently, drug couriers and drug producers are prosecuted under the same article, with sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years, plus confiscation of property. The bill will differentiate and define criminal liability more specifically. Over the past year alone Kazakhstani police have disrupted and dismantled three transnational criminal groups specializing in the production of synthetic drugs. More than a ton of narcotic drugs were seized during those operations.

New Case Against Nazarbayev’s Former Niece-in-Law Brought to Court

The Anti-Corruption Service of Kazakhstan has completed its investigation into the criminal case against Gulmira Satybaldy - the ex-wife of Kairat Satybaldy - nephew of former President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev. Ms. Satybaldy is accused of illegal imprisonment, extortion on a large scale, and arbitrariness which led to grave consequences. The criminal case was transferred to a specialized court in Almaty. According to law enforcement agencies, other information is not subject to disclosure at this juncture. Gulmira Satybaldy was originally detained by the anti-corruption service on March 16, 2022, accused of abductions and aiding the commission of a crime. A year ago this month, she was sentenced to seven years, but has since been incriminated in further crimes. Gulmira Satybaldy's ex-husband, Kairat, was convicted of abuse of power and embezzlement of funds from the state company, Kazakhtelecom. According to official data, since 2022 he has repatriated more than 700 billion tenge ($1.58 billion) worth of illegal assets to the state.

Kazakhstan Debates Foreign Media Accreditation

Following their second reading, the Majilis (lower chamber of parliament) of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted the bills "On Mass Media" and "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Field of Mass Media," sending them to the Senate for consideration. The documents are designed to regulate the professional activities of mass media outlets. The new amendments are evoking mixed reactions. One of the key proposals was the right of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deny accreditation to foreign media and their representatives if they pose a threat to national security. This initiative provoked opposition from representatives of the media, who consider such regulations a mechanism for suppressing freedom of speech. "The draft law proposes a regulation on the introduction of press cards, granting the right to simplified accreditation to individual journalists. Frankly speaking, this norm caused great controversy in the working group and society as a whole. The overwhelming majority of the working group members regarded this rule as one that contradicts democratic principles, discredits journalists, and hinders the comprehensive dissemination of information. Therefore, a specific decision was made on this: the rule on press cards was excluded," said Majilis representative, Zhanarbek Ashimzhanov, answering journalists' questions. Other changes proposed in the draft laws include combining online publications and news agencies into the category of "internet publications," as well as shortening the statute of limitations for journalist legal requests and setting shorter deadlines for responding to media inquiries. Among other rules, members of the Majilis also proposed introducing a ban on the publication of materials about LGBT themes and topics. These changes were critically evaluated by experts, and these regulations were not included in the final document as members of the working group concluded that it contradicts both Kazakhstani and international legislation.

Traffickers of Human Organs Detained in Kyrgyzstan

The State Committee for National Security (SCNS) of Kyrgyzstan has detained members of an international criminal group at Manas Airport. The criminals had organized a black-market channel for the illegal sale of human organs abroad. All detainees are citizens of the Kyrgyzstan. According to the investigation, the criminal group looked for patients in foreign clinics who were willing to pay large sums of money for the transplantation of a healthy organ. The gang then found donors in Kyrgyzstan, who were fraudulently induced into undergoing organ-harvesting operations. "Donors necessarily underwent a medical examination, where, regardless of [their overall health], always issued a positive conclusion, after which the organizers through corrupt schemes made false documents on the relationship with the patient necessary for submission to the clinic, where the operation will be held," said the SCNS. Investigators found that the donors received between $1,000 and $7,000 for their kidneys. The recruiters of those donors earned about $3,000, and the organizers of the criminal channel received between $30,000 and $70,000. The SCNS said that all necessary measures are currently being taken to identify all those involved in this crime. Earlier this year, Kyrgyz president Sadyr Zhaparov signed a law on the protection of citizens' health, according to which private and public hospitals can engage in organ transplantation. However, a major stipulation requires that the organ recipient must be a relative of the donor. This loophole in the legislation was exploited by criminals by issuing fictitious documents on family kinship.

Kazakhstan To Increase Number of Female Police Officers

Kazakhstan's Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to increase the number of female police officers in the country to 750, to support the adoption of new laws on domestic violence. Commented the deputy minister for internal affairs Igor Lepekha: "We have female investigators specialized in investigating violence against girls and women. They conduct the initial inquest. We have studied international experience in this matter, we were supported by regional akims [regional administration]. Unfortunately, there are questions about the financing of the program." Earlier this year the police created a special unit to combat domestic violence. It is into that unit that the additional female officers will be recruited. Kazakhstan has adopted a new law on domestic violence, which toughens liability for criminal acts of domestic violence committed against women and children.

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