Viewing results 1 - 6 of 76

Shorter route opens for passenger trains between China’s Xinjiang and Kazakhstan’s Almaty

ALMATY (TCA) — International passenger trains between Urumqi, the main city of China's northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Kazakhstan's largest city Almaty will have a shorter route in China starting from September 30, Xinhua news agency reported citing a local railway bureau. Continue reading

China boosts security presence in Xinjiang

BISHKEK (TCA) — Authorities in China have greatly expanded their police and security presence in Urumqi, the capital city of the country’s northwestern Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region which borders Central Asia, amid increasing Uighur independence movements including those that the Chinese government believes have links to Islamist terrorist groups in the Middle East, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reports. Continue reading

The Uighurs and China’s regional counter-terrorism efforts

BISHKEK (TCA) — Authorities in China are taking tough measures against what they say are Uighur separatists and extremists in Xinjiang, but the persecution and crackdowns can backfire, making more Uighur Muslims join the ranks of such terrorist organizations as the Islamic State. We are republishing this article by Zachary Abuza* on China’s counter-terrorism policies, originally published by The Jamestown Foundation’s Terrorism Monitor: Continue reading

Xinjiang: economic realities behind civil strife

LONDON (TCA) — A radical shift in domestic policy in and regarding China’s northwestern autonomous region of Xinjiang, replacing communal coexistence between Chinese “colonials” and the indigenous Uyghur population, is claimed by central authorities in Beijing to be aimed at lifting development and living standards of the entire population. This could negatively affect the mood among exiled Uyghur communities in neighboring states, and drive increasing parts of the Uyghur nation straight into the arms of sinister extremist organizations such as Daesh, Al-Qaeda and Taliban. Xinjiang has been a place of multiple headaches for the Chinese Government and here security and economics should complement rather than contradict each other and the current pressures of varying sources leave plenty of room for improvement. Continue reading

China jails ethnic Kazakh man for ‘helping others emigrate to Kazakhstan’

ALMATY (TCA) — Chinese authorities in the northwestern region of Xinjiang have sentenced an ethnic Kazakh man to 12 years' imprisonment after detaining him amid an ongoing crackdown on ethnic minority groups who study or seek to emigrate overseas, Radio Free Asia reported on August 16 citing its sources. Continue reading

China provides communication equipment for medical institutions in Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK (TCA) — The government of Urumqi, the main city of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in northwestern China, financed the installation of telemedicine equipment for 15 health care organizations in Kyrgyzstan, Xinhua reported on July 14 with reference to the press service of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Health. Continue reading