Turkmen Gas To Be Supplied To Turkey Via Azerbaijan And Georgia

An agreement has been reached on the transportation of natural gas from Turkmenistan to Turkey via Azerbaijan and Georgia. This deal was announced by Turkey’s minister of energy and natural resources Alparslan Bayraktar.

Chronicles of Turkmenistan report that Bayraktar met with Azerbaijani economy minister Mikail Jabbarov in Istanbul on May 14, after which the parties signed an agreement on increasing the capacity of several gas pipelines.

Turkey’s energy ministry said the deal would ensure that additional gas volumes from Azerbaijan and the Caspian region would be delivered to Turkey and Europe by 2030, although the exact volumes have yet to be announced.

Bayraktar did not explain how the gas would be delivered from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan. There is currently no progress in the construction of a trans-Caspian gas pipeline, which would allow direct deliveries of raw materials. It is most probably a swap scheme of supplies through Iran — this is how Turkmenistan exported gas to Azerbaijan from 2022 to 2024. However, in January 2024, exports were suspended because Ashgabat and Baku failed to agree on the volume and price of gas. Since then, neither side has reported resumption of supplies. Some experts believe that Azerbaijan re-exported Turkmen gas to Europe, mixing it with its own, and the reason for the cessation of purchases was the decline in gas prices on the European market, which made its resale unprofitable for Baku.