Economy Minister: 70% of Tajikistan’s Trade is With SCO Countries

The Pakistani capital of Islamabad has hosted the 23rd meeting of the Ministers of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member States responsible for Foreign Economic and Trade Activities.

The Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan, Zavqi Zavqizoda, who participated in the meeting, said that the country considers the development of relations within the SCO as one of its foreign policy priorities.

“Foreign trade turnover between Tajikistan and the SCO countries demonstrates steady growth, and every year, more than 70% of the republic’s foreign trade is with SCO countries,” Zavqizoda said.

He recalled that the SCO accounts for almost half of the world’s population and 27% of global GDP, making the region a massive market with great opportunities.

Zavqizoda noted that Tajikistan initiated the economic development strategy for the next five years with the SCO, which was developed and adopted by the organization’s member states.

He proposed to the participants a plan related to developing and implementing large infrastructure projects and expanding cooperation in digital and green economy, green energy, and e-commerce.

It was also noted that wide use of transit opportunities of Tajikistan is envisaged.

The Times of Central Asia has reported that Tajikistan seeks to become a central international transit hub. In the next two years, 317 kilometers of international highways will be commissioned in Tajikistan. In the remaining months of 2024, Tajikistan will continue implementing projects for highway reconstruction, with the construction of 32 bridges, five tunnels with a length of 11.2 km, and seven avalanche corridors aiming to turn the country into an international transit route.

Sadokat Jalolova

Sadokat Jalolova

Sadokat Jalolova is an Uzbek journalist who graduated from the International Journalism faculty of the Journalism and Mass Communication University of Uzbekistan.

Jalolova has worked as a reporter for some time in local newspapers and websites in Uzbekistan, and has enriched her knowledge in the field of journalism through courses at the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Amsterdam.

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