• KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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  • KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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Viewing results 133 - 138 of 197

Container Trains from China to Europe through Kazakhstan reaches 80%

On March 25th, Marat Karabaev, Kazakhstan’s Minister of Transport visited Urumqi in China’s western Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, home to the International Dry Port, the Express Delivery Center (Jitu Express), the China-Europe Railway Express Hub, and the office of the Xinjiang Trade and Logistics Corporation. The occasion marked the anniversary of the departure of the 150th container train, Tian Shan, along the China-EU route. During the ceremony, it was stated that over the 10-year period since the launch of China’s Belt and Road initiative in 2013, about 85 thousand container trains were sent from China to Europe; 80% of which had passed through Kazakhstan. Earlier this month, the Kazakh government announced plans to increase the volume of cargo transported by rail to 450 million tons and by road to 316 million tons. The proposed increase in transit transportation to 30 million tons will include that of cargo along the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route to at 4.2 million tons.

Kazakh Peacekeepers to be Sent to the Golan Heights

The Kazakh Defense Ministry has issued a report on the handing over of the United Nations’ flag to the peacekeeping contingent of Kazakhstan. The solemn ceremony took place on March 22nd at the Fawhar peacekeeping base, located in the area of responsibility of the UN mission on the Golan Heights between Israel and Syria. After the head of the Irish contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Clear, had handed over the UN flag to the commander of the Kazakh contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Zhiger Aipov, the latter commented: “Since the transfer of the UN flag, our unit has become a full participant in the mission in the Golan Heights and we have now begun to carry out the assigned tasks.” This is the first time in Kazakhstan’s history that the UN has given the country a mandate to carry out an independent peacekeeping mission. During the year, the Kazakh peacekeeping contingent will patrol the area, strengthen checkpoints, maintain ceasefire between warring parties, and perform other tasks in accordance with the mandate of the UN mission. Peacekeepers from Kazakhstan have undergone thorough selection and training in accordance with the UN’s requirements and standards and according to Kazakh Defense Minister Ruslan Zhaksylykov, 139 servicemen are ready to be to be sent to the Golan Heights.

Turkmenistan and Italy Expand Transport Cooperation

A Turkmen delegation led by the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Rashid Meredov visited Italy on March 20th for negotiations with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tajani. The foreign ministers discussed bilateral relations in political, diplomatic, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian sectors. The Turkmen Foreign Minister also held talks with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of Italy, Matteo Salvini and top representatives of the Italian transport sector. The parties discussed expanding cooperation in the field of railway and maritime transport, and signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between the ports of Turkmenbashy (Turkmenistan) and Naples (Italy).

Kazakhstan and Qatar to Implement Projects Worth $17.6 Billion

On March 20th the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov attended a meeting in Qatar with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. During discussions, Bektenov emphasized the importance of the two countries’ economic partnership in the Arab world and reported on the imminent implementation of large-scale and strategically significant investment projects worth an unprecedented amount of $17.6 billion. The governments of Kazakhstan and Qatar subsequently signed an agreement on establishing a long-term strategic partnership for the development of projects in priority sectors. Projects include the construction of gas processing plants in Kazakhstan at a cost of around $5.7 billion. The additional construction of a Aktobe-Kostanay gas pipeline and the second section of the Beineu-Bozoy-Shymkent gas pipeline for a total cost of around $7.7 billion, will develop gas supplies to Kazakhstan's northern regions. A further investment of around $2.7 billion will fund the construction of a combined cycle gas power plant with a capacity of 1,100 MW, and a hydroelectric power plant with a capacity of 350 MW, to ensure long-term energy security of Kazakhstan. With reference to agriculture, the Prime Minister declared Kazakhstan’s readiness to supply halal and organic products to Qatar, and stated that the two countries are on course to construct plants for the deep processing of wheat, peas and milk in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan: A Rising Global Player in Trade and Diplomacy

Over the past decade, Kazakhstan has become an increasingly important land-bridge between East and West, both in terms of trade and diplomacy. A vast nation the size of Western Europe with powerful neighbors in the form of China and Russia, yet on the doorstep of Europe with access to the Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan’s location has elevated it to the cusp of becoming a global power. Given its geography, it is reasonable to assert that many decisions in Kazakhstan are, out of necessity, the result of a geopolitical tightrope act necessitating a balanced and far-reaching policy outlook. This strategic position has been described by Ariel Cohen, a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Eurasia Center of the Atlantic Council, as a “visionary multi-vector policy pioneered” by President Tokayev. Indeed, “mutually beneficially cooperation” and “mutually beneficial strategic partnership” have become watchwords of Tokayev’s presidency. Due to projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Middle Corridor, Kazakhstan’s location has made it an indispensable ally to China. Playing a pivotal role in the expansion of transcontinental trade has led the whole of Central Asia to, in the words of Tokayev, “become a global stakeholder.” Trade turnover between Kazakhstan and China continues to expand, reaching $31.5 billion in 2023 (a 30% increase on 2022), and new transit routes are continuously under construction, with the Bakhty-Ayagoz railway line set to lead the opening of a third border crossing with China and increase the throughput capacity between the two nations from 28 million to around 48 million tons. Both cultural and political ties continue to grow, with a 30-day visa-free travel regime coming into force in November 2023. As for the total amount of Chinese investment in Kazakhstan over the past eighteen years, estimates vary from $23.2 to over $36 billion. Even these huge sums, however, are dwarfed in comparison to the Netherlands, which, in the last five years alone, has invested a colossal $33.8 billion in Kazakhstan. Meanwhile, according to Kazakhstan’s Bureau of National Statistics data for January to December 2022, Italy was Kazakhstan’s largest exporter, accounting for 16.4% of exports worth $13.9 billion during this period. The strength of this partnership was evinced by President Tokayev paying an official visit to Italy in January 2024, during which he held talks with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and spoke about the two nations’ “dynamically” developing relationship and its “enormous potential”. As a block, the EU is Kazakhstan’s biggest overall trading partner, the destination for 39% of total exports and accounting for 29.4% of its total trade in 2021. Through initiatives such as the C5+1 and the B5+1, meanwhile, the United States has increasingly sought to engage with Central Asia, and with Kazakhstan in particular. With investment totaling $19.4 billion, the U.S. ranks second in terms of foreign investment over the past five years. A driving force behind this engagement has been the huge untapped reserves of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) located in Kazakhstan. According to the Brookings Institute, whilst China is the dominant player in...

Central Asia Can Help Bring Afghanistan into the International Fold

Afghanistan's situation remains deeply troubling, reflecting a complex history of conflict and political instability that has severely impacted its social and economic fabric. The Soviet Union's invasion 45 years ago, followed by the Taliban's rise to power in 1996 and the U.S. involvement after the September 2001 terrorist attacks linked to Al-Qaeda, and finally the Taliban’s return to leadership in 2021, have all shaped the current crisis. Today, Afghanistan appears no closer to becoming a functioning state capable of contributing positively to the global community. As recent as 2020, nearly half of the country’s population lived below the poverty line. The plight of women and girls continues to be particularly dire as they have been denied secondary education since the Taliban regained power nearly three years ago. An invigorated engagement with the international community would no doubt provide multiple benefits to not only Afghanistan’s own people but also to the larger region. Whether the troubled country remains a zone of conflict or becomes a contributor to a sustainable future will depend on its ability and willingness to eventually integrate into broader regional and global frameworks. A state’s adherence to modern democratic values is often seen as one of the conditions for recognition as a genuine international partner by the global community. These norms are usually associated with Western-oriented ideologies and are therefore difficult for today’s Taliban-led Afghanistan to embrace and implement. There are possible ways to bridge this apparent divide. At a meeting held in Doha on 18-19 February 2024, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres reported that he had begun consultations on the appointment of a UN Special Envoy to Afghanistan to “coordinate engagement between Kabul and the international community.” Pakistan, who shares a 2,640-km border with Afghanistan, proposed that the envoy should be a “Muslim, experienced diplomat and from the region”. Pakistan’s candidacy is tarnished, however, by accusations that it provided military support to the Taliban, which Pakistan’s government denies. Turkey, another possibility, is a NATO member that has sustained political and economic ties with Afghanistan. However, its geographical distance makes it less of a stakeholder in the economic and security environments impacted by Afghanistan and as such, it lacks some of the necessary incentives and leverage points needed to influence Afghanistan’s actions.   Central Asia’s unique insights and motivations to help Afghanistan In the same Doha gathering, Guterres also proposed establishing a contact group of states that might include the “P-5 [the United States, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom] with a group of regional countries and relevant donors” for a more coordinated approach to engaging Afghanistan’s “de facto authorities”. The Central Asian republics making up the “C-5” should certainly be considered among the “regional countries” grouping that Guterres mentioned. Firstly, Central Asia has been affected by economic and security developments in Afghanistan, including narcotics trafficking, as well as by the overflow radical extremism and a resurgence of the militant cause. The region plays critical role today in curtailing the spread of illiberal and violent ideologies and...

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