Ten Thousand Hectares of Land in Tajikistan Left Without Water


Asia-Plus reports that more than 10,000 hectares of irrigated land in Tajikistan’s Khatlon region have not been irrigated due to the failure of pumping stations. Almost 900 hectares of irrigated land have fallen out of agricultural use.

This situation was criticized by the country’s president, Emomali Rahmon, at a meeting with leaders and civic figures from Khatlon region on May 25 .

At the meeting in Dangara district Rahmon said: “We must increase the production of agriculture and agricultural products year by year, supply the consumer market of our country with food products at any time of the year, and constantly reduce the dependence of our country’s economy on the import of food products.”

He also called on agriculture workers to fill the domestic consumer market with the most necessary goods, organizing its adequate backup, preventing unjustified price increases, establishing continuous operation of all sectors of the national economy, leaders, and responsible persons to approach with serious attitude and high responsibility.

According to Rahmon, 18 pumping stations are not working in the Khatlon region, which has led to the dehydration of more than 5,000 hectares of land.