The military index Global Firepower has announced its Military Strength Ranking for 2024. The annual ranking evaluates 145 countries according to 60 criteria, including resources, financial stability, and logistics capabilities.
Kazakhstan has once again been revealed as the strongest army in Central Asia, in 58th place overall. Uzbekistan has fallen by three places since last year’s rankings — the only country in the region not to show an improvement — and is now in 65th position. In the bottom half of the table, Turkmenistan lies in 83rd place, while Kyrgyzstan is in 100th. Global Firepower puts Tajikistan in 107th place, making it the region’s weakest army.
The difference between Kazakhstan and Tajikistan’s military strength is apparent in the countries’ respective defense budgets. The Kazakh army has $7.5bn at its disposal, while Tajikistan’s defense budget is only $96.2m.
The world’s three strongest armies according to the Military Strength Rankings are the United States, Russia and China, with no change from their positions in 2023.