Pavel Durov’s Visit to Issyk-Kul Sparks Investment Hopes


Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram and VK, has visited the Issyk-Kul region in Kyrgyzstan, generating significant interest amidst speculations about a potential investment in a large-scale project. The government are currently keen on attracting investment in the Three Peaks ski resort, and local authorities believe that his involvement could substantially enhance the potential of the project. Durov’s presence as an investor is seen as a strategic move that could attract additional capital and provide invaluable advertising support.

Durov is traveling with Russian blogger Huseyn Gasanov, whom sources suggest could play a mediating role in the negotiations with the local authorities.

The presence of Durov and Gasanov has not gone unnoticed by locals. The pair were recently spotted at the Petroglyphs Park in Cholpon-Ata, sparking rumors and excitement among residents. Many hope that this high-profile visit will lead to concrete investment plans and significantly boost the local economy.

Stephen M. Bland

Stephen M. Bland

 Stephen M. Bland is a journalist, author, editor, commentator and researcher specialising in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Prior to joining The Times of Central Asia, he has worked for NGOs, think tanks, as the Central Asia expert on a forthcoming documentary series, for the BBC, The Diplomat, EurasiaNet, and numerous other publications.
Published in 2016, his book on Central Asia was the winner of the Golden Laureate of Eurasian Literature. He is currently putting the finishing touches to a book about the Caucasus.

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