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17 September 2024

Our People > Aliya Haidar

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Aliya Haidar


Aliya Haidar is a Kazakhstani journalist. She started her career in 1998, and has worked in the country's leading regional and national publications ever since.


Social Researcher: Serious Effort Required for Women’s Representation in Kazakh Politics

According to Gulmira Ileuova, a sociologist and the head of the Strategy Centre for Social and Political Research, gender equality in Kazakhstan has severely deteriorated. In an interview with TCA, she explains how social regression and a depletion of human resources are making it difficult for women to participate in political parties, social movements, and public services. TCA: Sources illustrate that after the 2023 parliamentary elections, the representation of women deputies in the Majilis fell from 27% to 18%. In addition, Kazakhstan's performance in the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) has deteriorated. This year, the country fell from 62nd to 76th place. This index, which can be used to judge the economy's stability and legal security, has a serious impact on investors.  What, in your opinion, is the reason for this deterioration? First of all, I would like to point out that until 2021, the Labor Code had restrictions on where women could work based on concerns about their health. Now that the restrictions have been lifted, progress is steadily being made in involving women in areas previously inaccessible to them. Some companies have already published data that women have begun operating heavy machinery, such as big trucks, which was not the case before. As for politics and the civil service, it appears that under the spread of influence from the south, the country is reinstating traditional social relations. Independent Kazakhstan has entered a new period where traditional and non-traditional forms of Islam thrive, and hyper-masculine and patriarchal attitudes are on the rise. I emphasize the patriarchal division of life through reinforced gender roles because it is gaining strength and spreading across all regions of the country. Furthermore, this trend is moving into the sphere of politics and civil services. Let's take a look at what preceded these trends. In many regions, primarily in the south, there is a huge number of women who wishing to undertake the important work of reproduction, were receiving TSA (targeted social assistance). According to statistics in 2019, there were 2 million and 221 thousand recipients of TSA (about 12% of the population). Today, their number has decreased six fold to about 350 thousand. These numbers include women who thought they would bypass employment through state support systems. And now these women are in trouble. The state is revising its social policy, but the paternalistic trend has long been developing and a large number of people have abused it. TCA: Are you saying that women, in receipt of child allowances, prefer to stay at home as opposed to actively entering economic relations or aspiring to participate in civil services or politics? Yes, and I am afraid that this trend cannot be overcome by quick measures or be alleviated by even quotas for women. In a 'strategy' study conducted by the Center for Social and Political Research in the Turkestan region, an official working in gender policy said that at some point, the political representation of women fell to 5%. There were actually no women in...

13 hours ago

Silk Road Treasures: The Wild Beauty of Mangistau

Under the banner of "Silk Road Treasures", TCA's people -journalists, editors, authors - share their personal experiences of Central Asia and her people, and by listing their favorite places, literature, films, art, architecture and archaeological sites, alongside encounters and customs, provide pointers for readers wishing to visit the region. Aliya Haidar, Journalist Kazakhstan's Mangistau Peninsula (Mangyshlak) is far from fit for human habitation. Fresh water is scarce, the air is filled with dust raised by searing desert winds, huge waves roll over the turbulent Caspian Sea, and only camels can feed on its vegetation. Mangistau is a symbol of the triumph of nature and, simultaneously, a symbol of victorious industrialization. The balance between the two, however, is very fragile, as events on the peninsula have repeatedly confirmed. In 2000, the peninsula's landscape still retained its wild, natural beauty but just a decade later, it was a place plagued by social conflict. The remains of ancient nomadic sites and necropolises of Sufi missionaries illustrates that people have long been determined to tame and develop this remote and barren land but its explosive growth only occurred with the discovery of oil and uranium.  In the 1960s, geologists settled in the desert. Within ten years, cities appeared and hundreds of enterprises were established, making  Mangistau one of the gems in the Soviet Union's crown. Colossal desalination plants near the regional center of Aktau (former Shevchenko) resembling spaceships, are a legacy of the era of rapid development when the world's first industrial nuclear reactor on fast neutrons, the BN-350, was built on the peninsula. The reactor was shut down after independence in the late 1990s, but conservation is ongoing. Today, few people are allowed into the gloomy catacombs, to the heart of the reactor, but the memory of the power of the atom and the payback has remained. BN-350 is part of the Mangistau Atomic Energy Combine (MAEC), and the giant desalination plants now supply most of the peninsula with water from the Caspian Sea. But there is still insufficient capacity, and the presence of the endless row of desalination plants warns: "Beware, man. You will have to fight for every drop." Even in the regional center of Aktau, water cuts are not uncommon, and intensive farming is out of the question. In the bazaars of Mangistau, most of the products, especially fruit and vegetables, are imported and far more expensive than elsewhere in Kazakhstan where they grow in abundance.  And although salaries in the oil industry are higher than the national average, locals pay triple the price for just about  everything. Irresistibly attracted by the glitter of “black gold," the population in the peninsula continues to rise. Almost 800 thousand people currently live in the Mangistau region, making it the ninth most populous region in the country. The load on the peninsula's natural resources however, is now so disproportionate that it has become the cause of constant conflicts. But outside the cities, it is easy to forget the harsh reality of the industrial...

3 weeks ago

With the Russian Language Waning in Central Asia, Will Other Languages Replace It?

Russian is still the most widespread foreign language in Kazakhstan, though its role is declining there, and across Central Asia in general. At the same time, the people of the region have been slow to learn other languages, in part due to economic factors such as slowing globalization, according to the Kazakhstani political analyst Zamir Karazhanov, who is head of the Kemel Arna Public Foundation.   The language of cities Since declaring independence in 1991, all the counties of Central Asia have made promoting their national languages a priority. But foreign languages, which link the region with the rest of the world, have also historically been seen as critical. In practice, however, the study and use of foreign languages other than Russian is not widespread. The Russian language is losing its prominence in Kazakhstan as the number of ethnic Russians declines. According to official statistics, as of January 1, 2024, Russians made up 14.89% of the country’s population, down from close to 40% in 1989. Nevertheless, thanks to the education system and Kazakhstan’s proximity to Russia, the level of proficiency in Russian remains high. In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Russian is a second official language. In Tajikistan, it is called the “language of interethnic communication”. In Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, however, it does not have an official status. More than 90% of Kazakhstanis know Russian to some degree, while 20% of the population considers it their native language. Meanwhile, those figures for Turkmenistan are 40% and 12% respectively. In Kyrgyzstan, about 44% know Russian and 5% consider it their native language; in Uzbekistan, it is about 50% and 2.7%; and in Tajikistan, 55% and 0.3%. Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has repeatedly spoken about the need to preserve the Russian language in Kazakhstan, and the unacceptability of language-based discrimination. Last year, he unveiled the International Russian Language Organization, established by the CIS Heads of State Council. “The new organization is open to all countries and, of course, very relevant from the point of view of global humanitarian cooperation,” explained Tokayev, while underlining that measures to promote the Russian language in the Eurasia region and elsewhere are congruous with the trend of strengthening national identities. “Kazakhstan will continue the policy of bolstering the status of the state language of Kazakh,” Tokayev said at the time. Today, Kazakhstan has many Russian-language media, while Russian remains the lingua franca at meetings among post-Soviet countries. Even though Russian is concentrated in big cities, all Kazakhstanis receive a significant amount of western and other foreign news from Russian sources. “Russian is spoken in most of Kazakhstan. In the biggest city, Almaty, communicating in Russian is not a problem. But, if you move 30-50 km outside the city, it gets harder to speak it. Russian is the language of cities and the language of interethnic interaction,” the political analyst Karazhanov told The Times of Central Asia. “Of course, the number of native speakers of the Kazakh language is growing, and the number of Russian speakers is declining, but Kazakh...

3 weeks ago

The World Nomad Games: Capturing a Sense of the Great Steppe

The 5th World Nomad Games, set to be hosted in Astana from September 8-13, is Central Asia's largest national sports competition and, complemented by unique cultural and scientific programs, attracts participants and spectators from throughout the world. As reported by TCA, there is a distinctive festive fizz in the air as the city prepares to welcome visitors, with streets, shopping centers, public spaces and even buses already festooned with flags and colorful decorations. Ablai Kondybaev, the Deputy Head of the Directorate responsible for preparing and organizing the 5th World Nomad Games, spoke to The Times of Central Asia about how the event allows visitors to experience the spirit of the Great Steppe. TCA: The geographical scope of the Nomad Games is steadily expanding worldwide. How many countries will participate this year and how many tourists and spectators are expected to attend? AK: The Games have a ten-year history. Having originated in Kyrgyzstan in 2014, they have since been held three times in the Kyrgyz city of Cholpon-Ata and on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul. Over the relatively short period since it began, the event has grown dramatically. The first Games attracted participants from 19 countries mainly from Central Asia where there is a historic nomadic culture, whereas the 4th Nomad Games hosted by Iznik, Turkey, in 2022, saw athletes competing from 81 countries. It's very interesting to track the geography of engagement. In previous Games, for example, countries such as New Zealand and Madagascar participated. Superficially, they have nothing to do with nomadic culture, yet consider themselves descendants of nomads. Such things bring us closer together; in the distant past, all humanity was nomadic. To date, we have received applications for participation from 89 countries to compete in this year's event. The Nomadic Games are a new and interesting phenomenon, offering unique and highly engaging spectacular sports, unfamiliar and exotic to European and Western audiences. As such, the Games are becoming increasingly popular abroad. Today's geographical representation of athletes is expansive, with countries including Venezuela, Ireland, Gambia, and Brunei participating for the first time. For ten years, countries from literally all continents have joined the event and perhaps in the future, we will reach a point where interest in our national sports is on a par with the Olympics or soccer championships. [caption id="attachment_21887" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] Falconry in Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan; image: Stephen M. Bland[/caption]   TCA: Is it significant that the month of September was chosen for the Games? AK: Absolutely. September is when nomads traditionally celebrate the completion of the migration with their caravan of yurts and animals from their summer to winter camp with a toi ; an event comprising  feasts, rituals, games and competitions. TCA: Which competitions generate the most excitement amongst spectators: Horse racing, archery, wrestling? AK: Nomadic life is directly related to horses, and year on year we observe how people who know nothing about steppe culture are particularly fascinated by our equestrian sports. Always spectacular and challenging, they take the audience's breath away. But...

4 weeks ago

Controversy and Confrontation Surround LGBT Issues in Kazakhstan

The situation surrounding the so-called “LGBT propaganda” conversation continues to heat up in Kazakhstan. Known for its controversial initiatives and stances, earlier this year the Parents' Union published a petition demanding a ban on demonstrations of non-traditional relationships in the country. The petition gained over 50,000 signatures, meaning Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Culture and Information must consider it under a law passed following Tokayev’s promise of a more engaged and aware “listening state.” However, UN experts have warned that Kazakhstan should not accept the petition for consideration, as it would seriously damage the republic's image in the international arena. The authors of the petition “We are against open and hidden propaganda of LGBT in Kazakhstan,” published on the official portal E-Petition.kz, is the Kazakhstan Union of Parents. The Ministry of Culture reported that according to Article 90-4 of the Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the petition should be considered. A working group, which includes representatives of interested parties, state bodies, and public associations, has been established, and hearings are underway. [caption id="attachment_21311" align="aligncenter" width="598"] Poster of Kazakh composer Kurmangazy Sagyrbaiuly and Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin, Havas Worldwide, Facebook[/caption]   UN warning On July 31, UN experts said Kazakhstan should reject the petition calling for a law banning gay propaganda. The statement was attributed to Graham Reed, Independent Expert on the Protection against Violence and Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender, Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Mary Llor, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Gina Romero Rodriguez, Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, and Farida Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on the right to education. "The Government of Kazakhstan should reject the petition it is considering for legislation that violates freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The petition itself is based on prejudice, and any legislation resulting from it inevitably and unlawfully tramples on human rights,” the UN experts stated. In their opinion, the call for a ban on propaganda of the LGBT movement contradicts the Administrative Procedure Code of Kazakhstan. According to it, the government is prohibited from considering petitions, the implementation of which may lead to the violations of human rights and freedoms. If the government responds to the petition and adopts a law banning the public expression of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) identity, it would violate many rights, including freedom of expression and equality before the law, as guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Kazakhstan ratified in 2005. The UN has previously expressed concern about similar bills on so-called “LGBT propaganda” in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and the Russian Federation. In Russia, laws against “LGBT propaganda” were introduced in 2013 and were tightened in 2022. A complete legal ban on LGBT propaganda (among people of all ages) was introduced, administrative cases were conducted, and internet resources were blocked. Kyrgyzstan passed a similar law in 2023, effectively...

1 month ago