Kazakhstan’s Improving Corruption Score Leads Central Asian Peers

Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2023 has been published, with the global anti-corruption organization ranking 180 countries using a 100-point system. On the CPI scale, the higher the score, the lower the degree of corruption.

Kazakhstan achieved the highest ranking  — i.e. the highest score, and the lowest degree of corruption — among Central Asian states, taking 93rd place with a score of 39. The republic improved its ranking by three places compared to 2022, meaning that the level of corruption has improved.

With 33 points, Uzbekistan ranked 121st out of 180 countries in the new ranking, a gain of five places on its ranking for 2022. In 2023’s CPI rating Kyrgyzstan scored 26 points and took 141st place, a rise of one place. Kyrgyzstan now has the same score as Russia.

The lowest absolute CPI scores in the Central Asia region were observed in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Tajikistan took 162nd place with 20 points, and Turkmenistan took 170th place with 18 points. Compared to last year, Tajikistan improved by four places on the list, and Turkmenistan gained one spot.