Kyrgyzstan Offers Eye Operations to Premature Babies

Doctors in Bishkek yesterday conducted two successful surgeries on premature babies, performing laser coagulation of the retina on infants with retinopathy. According to the National Center for Maternal and Child Health of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz doctors were assisted in these operations by the chief retinologist of Almaty.

The Kyrgyz Health Ministry describes retinopathy as an eye anomaly that is detected in children born prematurely. In 2023 in Kyrgyzstan there were 1,280 cases of premature babies born with retinopathy. Most of these babies, including those who could not get treatment abroad, went blind.

According to reports, Kyrgyz doctors have mastered a new type of eye surgery thanks to colleagues from Kazakhstan, where Kyrgyz specialists were previously trained. “Earlier, with the active support of the National Red Crescent Society, the Swiss Red Cross and the L’Occitane Foundation, two doctors from the ophthalmology department of the National Center for Maternal Health successfully completed training on screening retinopathy in premature babies in Almaty,” the Center said.

The Kyrgyz Ministry of Health commented: “Rare eye surgeries have become possible thanks to the equipment that Kyrgyz doctors last year bought from the United States; a specialized laser for iridotomy. This [device] has become an invaluable tool in the fight against retinopathy in children.”

The National Center for Maternal and Child Health also said that such operations will soon begin to take place not only in Bishkek, but also in the country’s regions. Doctors from other Kyrgyz cities have already been trained by Kazakhstani specialists.