Over 300 Individuals, Including Six Foreign Nationals, Pardoned in Turkmenistan on International Neutrality Day

On the occasion of International Neutrality Day, Turkmenistan’s President, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, granted pardons to a total of 308 individuals, including six foreign nationals. This news comes after an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on December 11, 2023, involving heads of diplomatic missions, consular offices, and representative offices of Turkmenistan at international organizations.

The meeting focused on important issues concerning Turkmenistan’s foreign policy in the international arena. The pardoning of these individuals is part of the upcoming holiday celebrations in the country. The Chairman of the Commission, together with the heads of law enforcement agencies, has been tasked to ensure the swift release of these convicts and their return to their families.

Regional leaders, including Hyakims of velayats, etraps, and cities, have been instructed to take necessary measures to provide employment opportunities for the pardoned individuals. President Berdimuhamedov expressed his wishes for the pardoned citizens to contribute positively to the large-scale activities being carried out in Turkmenistan and to serve the Fatherland conscientiously.