Tashkent To Introduce Cable Car To Help Resolve Transport Problem

The Tashkent municipality and Chinese company Beijing North Bartholet Ropeway Technology Co., Ltd. have agreed on a project to introduce a cable car service to help in solving the Uzbek capital’s transport and environmental problems, the press service of the Tashkent municipality said. 

The agreement was signed during the Tashkent mayor’s visit to the Chinese city of Shenzhen on January 23rd, where he met with the management of Beijing North Bartholet Ropeway Technology, a joint venture with the Swiss company Bartholet Maschinenbau AG, a world leader in ropeways production. 

According to the agreement, the Chinese company is going to invest in a project to duplicate ground municipal transport in Tashkent with cable taxis. The project will first be presented to the public, whose recommendations and suggestions would be taken into account by the Chinese company’s designers, the municipality said.  

The Uzbek Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change earlier this month stated that emissions from motor vehicles largely the cause for increasing levels of air pollution in Tashkent. On average 730,000 vehicles are on the move in Tashkent every day, with between 160,000 to 300,000 entering the capital from the regions. To resolve the problem, the Tashkent municipality intends to develop green public transport.