Turkmenistan Honors Agrarians with State Awards “For Love of the Fatherland”

In a grand ceremony held in Ashgabat in mid-November, more than 20 agrarians were bestowed with state awards “For Love of the Fatherland” on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The event, which took place on the eve of the traditional harvest festival, recognized the significant contributions these agricultural workers have made towards the development of the industry.

The award ceremony was held at the Turkmen Agricultural University, which also organized an exhibition showcasing cotton, wheat, fruits, and vegetables as part of the celebratory proceedings. The exhibits served not only as a testament to the hard work and dedication of the country’s farmers but also highlighted the diversity and richness of Turkmenistan’s agricultural sector.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov personally congratulated the awardees, emphasizing their crucial role in ensuring the country’s food security.

The harvest festival is an annual tradition in Turkmenistan, celebrated on the second Sunday of November. It is a day dedicated to honoring the country’s farmers and recognizing their efforts in maintaining the nation’s agricultural prosperity.

This event underscores the government’s commitment to appreciating and uplifting the agricultural sector, which plays a vital role in the country’s economy and food security.