TASHKENT (TCA) — Uzbekistan’s state energy company Uzbekenergo plans to modernize the Shakhrikhan hydro power plants cascade (UFK-1 HPP) through funds from the World Bank Group, said the press service of Uzbekenergo.
Modernization will increase the HPP’s capacity from 1.5MW up to 2.3MW and electricity generation from 16.4GW up to 18.24 GW.
The Program for the development of Uzbekistan’s hydropower industry for the period 2016-2020 provides for saving the country’s hydrocarbon resources by means of deep diversification of the country’s fuel and energy balance, technological modernization of existing and creation of new hydropower facilities with the use of energy efficient technology, Novosti Uzbekistana news agency reported.
In line with the Program, during the next five years Uzbekenergo will modernize 11 hydro power plants, which will allow generating an additional 3.4 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year.
The modernization is estimated to cost US $507 million, including $168 million of the company’s own funds and $338 million of borrowed funds.
Russia’s Siloviye Mashiny company late in 2015 completed modernization of the 3rd power unit of the Charvak hydro power plant, the largest (620MW) plant of the Chirchik-Bozsui cascade.
The Russian company and Uzbekenergo signed a contract for modernization of four generating units of the Charvak HPP in 2011.
The modernization project costs $56.5 million. It will increase the power plant’s capacity by 45MW.