Doctors in Turkmenistan Ordered Not To Perform Abortions

Turkmenistan has imposed severe restrictions on conducting abortions, effectively banning them. In recent weeks, government officials have been visiting hospitals and clinics, and warning doctors that they will be stripped of their diplomas if they do.

According to Radio Azatlyk, sources from different regions of the country say that doctors have been forced to refuse women seeking abortions, even though the law allows it within the first five weeks of pregnancy.

The authorities have not commented on the reasons for yet another tightening of measures to prevent abortions. However, according to several doctors in Ashgabat, it may be due to a sharp increase in teenage pregnancies. At the same time, doctors note that many young girls, unable to have a legal abortion, resort to dangerous methods of terminating pregnancy, resulting in serious risks to their health.

Despite the bans, there are still doctors who continue to perform abortions clandestinely. The cost of such services has increased significantly, and varies depending on the term of the pregnancy.

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov is a Kazakhstani journalist. He has worked in leading regional and national publications.

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