First energy efficient kindergartens open in Kazakhstan’s Aktau city image

ASTANA (TCA) — Three energy efficient kindergartens were opened on July 26 in Aktau city in Kazakhstan providing 1500 students and staff with improved heating, water supply and lighting. Representatives of the World Bank, Swiss Embassy in Kazakhstan and the Kazakh Ministry of Investments and Development together with governors of Mangistau oblast and Aktau city welcomed the initiative which creates a better environment for learning while cutting energy costs, the World Bank said in a press release.

“Kazakhstan ranks among the top ten most energy-intensive economies in the world. This high energy intensity results in significant costs for the country in terms of economic competitiveness, public health, and the environment. With this Project we aim to showcase how cost-effective retrofits can help municipalities benefit from better air quality associated with reduced carbon emissions, as well as significant budget savings on energy bills,” said Ato Brown, World Bank Country Manager for Kazakhstan.

In total, 5 kindergartens and 1 school will undergo energy efficiency retrofits this year in Mangistau oblast. Three Aktau kindergartens (№31, №53, №54) underwent energy audits and technical check-ups before the upgrade works which included repair of roof, installation of regulated heating systems and automated thermal controls, replacement of windows, doors, and lightening systems. Upgrade of another three facilities — “Balausa” kindergarten in Munaishy village, school №3 in Zhetybai village, and kindergarten №42 in Aktau city — will be completed by the end of the year.

Over the last two years, 44 public and social facilities (kindergartens, schools and hospitals) across Kazakhstan have been selected for introduction of the energy efficiency retrofit measures under the Kazakhstan Energy Efficiency Project. The Project aims to improve the enabling environment for sustainable energy efficiency financing.

Nominated by municipalities annually the most energy intensive facilities are selected for upgrade by the Steering Committee composed of representatives of the ministries of health, education, and national economy.

The Kazakhstan Energy Efficiency Project is supported by a US$ 21.76 million grant from the Government of Switzerland and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation channelled through a Trust Fund administered by the World Bank. Co-financing from participating institutions, utilities, and municipalities totals US$ 1.3 million. The four-year Project (2015-2019) is implemented by JSC Electric Power and Energy Saving Development Institute “KazakhEnergoExpertise” under the Ministry of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan.

Sergey Kwan


Sergey Kwan has worked for The Times of Central Asia as a journalist, translator and editor since its foundation in March 1999. Prior to this, from 1996-1997, he worked as a translator at The Kyrgyzstan Chronicle, and from 1997-1999, as a translator at The Central Asian Post.
Kwan studied at the Bishkek Polytechnic Institute from 1990-1994, before completing his training in print journalism in Denmark.

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