U.S. Ambassador: America Supports Tajikistan’s Role in the Trans-Caspian Trade Route


The United States supports Tajikistan’s participation in the Trans-Caspian Trade Route project, connecting China with Europe through the Caspian Sea, Asia, and the Caucasus. U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan Manuel Micaller spoke about this in an interview with Khovar.tj.

“We continue to advocate for Tajikistan’s participation in the Trans-Caspian Trade Route, which will connect Central Asia with the Caucasus and European markets. Through the C5+1 diplomatic platform, which brings together the United States and our five Central Asian partners, we hope to facilitate closer cooperation with these partners and access to global markets,” Micaller noted.

The Trans-Caspian Transport Route starts from Southeast Asia and China and runs through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and further to European countries. It aims to facilitate trade and economic cooperation by connecting major economic regions through railways, highways, and maritime routes.

Transit time along the Trans-Caspian Route has been reduced from 38-53 days to 18-23 days. In 2024, this period is planned to be reduced to 14-18 days, and the journey through the territory of Kazakhstan from 6 to 5 days.

Sadokat Jalolova

Sadokat Jalolova

Sadokat Jalolova is an Uzbek journalist who graduated from the International Journalism faculty of the Journalism and Mass Communication University of Uzbekistan.

Jalolova has worked as a reporter for some time in local newspapers and websites in Uzbekistan, and has enriched her knowledge in the field of journalism through courses at the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Amsterdam.

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