Up to 300,000 Uzbeks Labor Migrants Expected to Return Home

Image: podrobno.uz

On May 10, an online meeting was held under the chairmanship of President Mirziyoyev on the issue of employment and mobilizing the internal capabilities of local industry. Mirziyoyev reiterated that the issue of employment and income of is of primary importance, and warned leaders at all levels that laxity in this regard will not be tolerated.

Mirziyoyev also touched upon the issue of labor migration: 58,000 labor migrants returned between January and March of this year, followed by another 57,000 in April alone. Up to 300,000 people are expected to return by the end of the year, and the importance of providing them with gainful employment and helping them with social issues was emphasized.

Officials were tasked with creating a single information platform on migration, helping compatriots working abroad who find themselves in difficult situations, and providing jobs for those returning.