• KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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  • KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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  • KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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  • KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00224 0%
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  • KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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  • KGS/USD = 0.01140 0%
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Viewing results 127 - 132 of 143

Central Asia’s Growing Economic and Strategic Importance Comes to Fore

The Central Asian region has experienced a tremendous economic transformation since the beginning of the century. Its aggregate gross domestic product (GDP) now totals $397 billion, growing 8.6-fold since the year 2000. Its share in global GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP) has also increased 1.8 times. The GDP per capita has tripled as the labor pool has grown to almost 80 million, representing a 1.4-fold increase since 2000. The region’s strategic importance, particularly thanks to its geographic position bridging major economies of Europe and Asia, makes it a key player in geopolitical dynamics. Central Asia’s dependence on commodity exports and remittances has so far limited its integration into global value-chains. The Central Asia Regional Economic Co-operation (CAREC) Program, established by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), plays an important role in fostering regional development and co-operation. CAREC includes the five Central Asia countries (namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan) plus Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, Mongolia and Pakistan. CAREC also partners with five multilateral international institutions in addition to the ADB (which serves as its Secretariat). These are the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank (a.k.a. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or IBRD). The Program has constructively helped the countries of Central Asia to address challenges in trade governance. Nevertheless, inefficiencies in cross-border transport and customs procedures continue to hinder their commercial exchanges with one another as well as with external partners. CAREC’s current policy-implementation priorities are integration of regional trade, digitization, climate change, regional co-operation, development of financial technologies and financing in the water sector. There is still significant potential for further development given that the region’s trade within itself has been growing faster than its foreign trade. Enhancing Central Asia’s role in the global economy will require the implementation of co-operative initiatives already identified, especially in infrastructure. Such construction of new physical plants, as well as the renovation and building-out of those that already exist, is crucial for enhancing economic growth and sustainability. This strategy will leverage the region’s strengths such as its strategic location and resource endowments. In 2023, Central Asia’s economic growth is projected to remain relatively steady at 3.9 percent, but this may still be affected by the global challenges of weak external demand, rising inflation and supply-chain disruptions. These global economic conditions, along with the uncertainties that they engender, reflect continuing burdens of the ongoing post-COVID recovery as well as the effects of the war in Ukraine, which significantly impacts the region. In addition to the ADB, the IBRD also focuses on various development initiatives in Central Asia that aim to support regional infrastructure development and the strengthening of cross-border co-operation. These are implemented through relatively low-profile initiatives such as the Central Asia Water and Energy Program (CAWEP) to enhance energy and water security and the Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project (CAHMP) to improve weather, climate and hydrological services. The IBRD thus aims to increase...

Taliban and Turkmenistan Meet to Discuss Energy Collaboration

The acting head of the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Taliban, Abdul-Latif Mansur, recently held a meeting with Murad Artykov, the head of the Department of International Electric Power Projects in the Turkmen Ministry of Energy. This marked the second official dialogue between the two leaders. The TAP Project A significant part of their discussion revolved around the TAP project, also known as the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan Power Interconnection Project. This proposed initiative aims to connect the power grids of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, strengthening power trade between these countries. It is seen as a crucial step towards enhancing energy security, promoting regional cooperation, and supporting economic development within the region. The TAP project is a part of broader efforts to develop energy infrastructure and promote connectivity between Central Asia and South Asia. The Taliban representatives reportedly expressed readiness to launch the project and are now awaiting the participation of the remaining stakeholders. The 500 kV Power Transmission Line Another key point of discussion was the development of the 500 kV power transmission line "Turkmenistan - Shibargan - Dashti-Alvan - Argandi". This line is intended to facilitate the import of electricity from Turkmenistan to meet the growing energy demands in Afghanistan. The Taliban urged Ashgabat to intensify efforts towards this goal. The "Nur al-Jihad" Substation The meeting also covered the "Nur al-Jihad" substation, a project nearing completion that will provide electricity to the Afghan provinces of Herat and Farah. This substation is a collaboration between Afghanistan's power utility company, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), and Turkmenistan. The project will increase the capacity of the Noor Al-Jihad substation from 110 kilovolts to 220 kilovolts. The substation is located in Herat province. Artykov outlined the goals of the visit, which included extending contracts for the supply of Turkmen energy and expanding energy cooperation. Implications Despite the Taliban being under UN sanctions for terrorist activities, discussions between Turkmenistan and the Taliban regarding energy and infrastructure projects have been ongoing, as reported by various sources including Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Caspian News. Turkmenistan already exports electricity to areas in northern Afghanistan, some of which are under Taliban control. These talks also involved the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project, which the Taliban has shown support for.

Over 300 Individuals, Including Six Foreign Nationals, Pardoned in Turkmenistan on International Neutrality Day

On the occasion of International Neutrality Day, Turkmenistan's President, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, granted pardons to a total of 308 individuals, including six foreign nationals. This news comes after an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on December 11, 2023, involving heads of diplomatic missions, consular offices, and representative offices of Turkmenistan at international organizations. The meeting focused on important issues concerning Turkmenistan's foreign policy in the international arena. The pardoning of these individuals is part of the upcoming holiday celebrations in the country. The Chairman of the Commission, together with the heads of law enforcement agencies, has been tasked to ensure the swift release of these convicts and their return to their families. Regional leaders, including Hyakims of velayats, etraps, and cities, have been instructed to take necessary measures to provide employment opportunities for the pardoned individuals. President Berdimuhamedov expressed his wishes for the pardoned citizens to contribute positively to the large-scale activities being carried out in Turkmenistan and to serve the Fatherland conscientiously.

Major Reshuffle in Turkmenistan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry: New Deputy Ministers Appointed

On December 11th, Turkmenistan's President, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, conducted a comprehensive meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. The meeting was attended by the heads of diplomatic missions, consular offices, and representative offices of Turkmenistan at international organizations. The focus of the meeting was on personnel changes within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. President Berdimuhamedov announced several significant changes in the diplomatic service. A. Khaljanov was relieved from his roles as the Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN Office in Geneva and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Swiss Confederation due to his transfer to another position. Khadzhiev, previously serving as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, was appointed as the Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN office in Geneva and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Swiss Confederation, succeeding Khaljanov. Gurbanov, who served as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the Islamic Republic of Iran, was appointed as the new Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Myatiev was dismissed from his position as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs due to his transfer to another role. Lastly, S. Muhammetdurdyev, the head of the Department of State Protocol and International Relations of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan, was concurrently appointed as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Turkmenistan Participates in 75th Anniversary of Adoption of Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Geneva

The commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights witnessed the active involvement of Turkmenistan's justice representatives in significant high-level events held in Geneva, Switzerland, on December 11-12. Adalatchy Yazdursun Gurbannazarova, the designated human rights representative in Turkmenistan, participated in the "Human Rights 75" events, a series organized by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Turkmen delegation also engaged in a parallel event hosted by the non-governmental organization, BDG, and the non-commercial organization, INHR, alongside national human rights institutions of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The momentous occasion, dedicated to honoring the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, convened eminent figures from international organizations, delegation leaders, and national human rights entities. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, extended congratulations during the conference's inauguration, acknowledging the milestone of the declaration's adoption. Participating in these crucial discussions, Turkmenistan’s representatives conveyed the nation's accomplishments and contributions to the advancement of human rights and the rule of law. Turkmenistan's commitments within the framework of "Human Rights 75" initiatives and its support for implementing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were highlighted. Key pledges encompassed enhancing international cooperation, fortifying youth policies, implementing environmental approaches to safeguard human rights, and addressing statelessness within Turkmenistan.

EU Ready to Develop Cooperation with Turkmenistan

The European Union is ready to further develop cooperation with Turkmenistan, said EU Ambassador, Beata Peksa, on the sidelines of the Ashgabat forum, Dialogue - a guarantee of Peace. In her interview with the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper, Peksa stated that “December 12th is a very important day in the history of Turkmenistan and the entire world community. This is clearly confirmed by the exhibition and forum, which gathered in Ashgabat a wide representation of participants from different countries, international and regional organizations. It is gratifying to note that, having the status of neutrality, Turkmenistan does not withdraw from world processes, but on the contrary, actively participates in international relations, is an active member of the United Nations… Turkmenistan's initiatives, including the Dialogue – a guarantee of Peace, give impetus to the development of cooperation between the countries in our difficult times, and promote humanistic values. “As the Ambassador of the European Union and on behalf of EU members, France and Italy, who together with us represent a single exposition at the exhibition, I want to congratulate the government and the entire Turkmen people on the International Day of Neutrality and assure them that the European Union is ready to further develop cooperation with Turkmenistan. May peace and prosperity accompany your country," she said. The Ashgabat forum, Dialogue – a guarantee of Peace, brought together representatives of diplomatic missions, international and regional organizations, reputable international experts, as well as Turkmen scientists, political scientists, heads of the mass media, higher educational institutions, and university students.

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