Electronic Information Exchange Systems to Be Introduced in Turkmenistan’s Agencies


The Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency and UNDP (United Nations Development Program) have signed an agreement to assist the introduction of an inter-agency electronic information exchange system in Turkmenistan in accordance with the decree of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as reported by Arzuw.news.

“The document provides for the connection of Turkmenistan’s agencies to the systems of electronic information exchange and electronic document management, as well as training of specialized staff in this area, taking into account international experience,” the report states.

The President of Turkmenistan stressed that the country is currently actively working on digitization in various spheres of life in the state.

At the meeting of the Government of Turkmenistan, Director General of the Agency of Transport and Communications, Mammetkhan Chakyev presented for consideration projects on introduction of electronic information exchange systems in the country’s agencies.