Kyrgyz Council Deputy Arrested for Calling for Riots

@State Committee for National Security Republic of Kyrgyzstan

An unnamed member of the city council in Kyrgyzstan’s Jalal-Abad region has been detained for calling for the organization of mass riots and a violent seizure of power, reports.

Kyrgyzstan’s State Committee for National Security (SCNS) announced in a statement: “[An] investigation has established that [a] deputy of Kerben city council from the ‘Ata-Jurt Kyrgyzstan’ political party systematically published provocative materials and calls for the organization of mass disorder and violent seizure of power on Facebook.”

The suspect was taken to the security committee’s detention center. The investigation is ongoing.

According to the security committee, the attempt was scheduled for August 31, which is Kyrgyzstan’s Independence Day.

“The suspects, under the influence of certain destructive political forces, hatched plans for a violent seizure of power by destabilizing the socio-political situation in the country and organizing mass riots in Bishkek, including the death of citizens. They planned to organize a sporting event near Bishkek on Independence Day to gather young people from all around the country,” the SCNS said.

On the eve of Independence Day, special services detained five Kyrgyz men who were planning an armed seizure of power. A search of their homes revealed a large cache of weapons, explosives, and police uniforms.

A total of 50 weapons (20 pistols and 255,238 rounds of ammunition), 200 sets of law enforcement uniforms, 150 pieces of police and 100 pieces of military headgear, 38 sets of body armor, two drones, radios, homemade explosives, and extremist literature were seized from them. It has also been established that the detainees are involved in organizing rallies against foreign citizens.