Prospective Kazakh Citizens Must Know Country’s Language and History


Under a new law, people applying for Kazakh citizenship will be refused if they do not show at least basic knowledge of the country’s language, history and constitution, reports Kursiv.

Ministry of Internal Affairs representative Shyngys Alekeshev commented on the law: “The elementary level will be determined by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The purpose of the amendments is rapid adaptation and integration into society. Knowledge of the language, first of all, is necessary for the citizens themselves, wishing to obtain our citizenship, to more quickly integrate into society and participate in the life of the state”.

The ministry added that the legislative amendments are in line with global practice.

Earlier it was reported that the authorities intend to teach the Kazakh language to Russian-speaking children and toddlers who have arrived from other countries. For this purpose, the Ministry of Education will create a program of “early immersion in the Kazakh language” in kindergartens and schools. Officials emphasize that this will help to form “Kazakh identity in young citizens”.