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Navigating Diplomacy: Central Asia’s Strategic Balancing Act Amid Middle East Tensions

The five Central Asian republics are actively building ties with the outside world, trying to balance the influence of China and Russia in the region. For the former Soviet republics, the Middle East was, until recently, a kind of terra incognita since Moscow carried out all contacts with the area. However, since the nineties, thanks to a growing friendship with Turkey, Kazakhstan, followed by other Central Asian republics, have begun establishing diplomatic, cultural, and trade ties with the Middle East and North African countries. Another escalation in the Middle East has forced the diplomatic departments of the Central Asian countries, whilst avoiding any accusations against either side in the conflict, to inform their citizens about and the address the fate of their compatriots who have found themselves at the epicenter of events. Kazakhstan In Kazakhstan, law enforcement agencies reacted before diplomats. Shyngys Alekeshev, head of the Interior Ministry's Information Policy Department, said in response to journalists' inquiries that police in the republic have brought their patrol routes closer to synagogues and Israeli diplomatic facilities. Later, official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Aibek Smadiarov, said that no Kazakh citizens were injured as a result of the armed escalation between Iran and Israel, and urged Kazakh citizens in the Middle East to exercise caution. “The Kazakh Foreign Ministry expresses deep concern about the increasing escalation of tensions in the Middle East. We call on all parties involved to exercise restraint and refrain from using forceful methods to avoid civilian casualties and further escalation of the situation in the region, which could provoke a full-scale war. In this regard, we note the importance of taking early measures to resolve differences exclusively through political and diplomatic means within the framework of the principles of the UN Charter and international law,” said Smadiarov. According to the representative, 120 citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including diplomats and their family members, are registered as being present in Israel, 102 in Iran, and 139 in Lebanon. “Communication channels have been created with citizens who are in these countries. Constant communication is maintained with them, and necessary recommendations are given depending on the development of the situation in one country or another. Several times, embassies have announced the need to leave the country due to the aggravation of military and political situations. At the same time, the Ministry and authorized bodies are monitoring the situation to work out possible repatriation flights. The evacuation of our citizens is still under consideration and the special control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” said Smadiarov. Kyrgyzstan The Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry stated on October 2 that it is deeply concerned about events taking place in the Middle East, stating that it is calling on “the conflicting parties to respect the fundamental principles and norms of international law, including refraining from actions leading to an escalation of the situation in the region. The Kyrgyz Republic urges the global community to completely stop military action as soon as possible, and start...

Turkmenistan and Iran to Expand Cooperation in Natural Gas and Transport

On August 28, the chairman of the Halk Maslahaty (People’s Council) of Turkmenistan, the country's former president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, visited Iran and held talks with the Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian. Iran’s Press TV news agency quoted Pezeshkian as describing four memorandums of understanding signed during Berdimuhamedov’s visit as “strategic,” saying that a document signed between Iran's state gas companies and Turkmenistan will turn Iran into a regional gas transfer hub. No details of the document have been released. Turkmen media reported that Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed implementing joint projects with Iranian companies to increase the volume of gas supply to Iran to 40 billion cubic meters per year. The Turkmen side also reported that the talks in Tehran discussed exporting Turkmen electricity to Iran. Concerning cooperation in the transport sector, Berdimuhamedov urged increasing cargo transportation along the Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway route, while the Iranian president proposed increasing cargo flows along the Armenia-Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan route. Turkmenistan and Iran have agreed to start negotiations for a comprehensive deal on transportation issues. The talks, expected to kick off next month, will be part of an intergovernmental committee chaired by Iran’s transportation minister.

Ashgabat Promotes Turkmen and Iranian Fashion and Textiles

A Turkmen-Iranian exhibition showcasing the two countries' fashion and textile industries has newly opened at the Turkmenistan Academy of Arts. Speaking at the event, Navid Rasouli, Cultural Counselor at the Iranian Embassy in Ashgabat, announced, “The fashion industry is rapidly developing and knows no stagnation as new generations always need updated clothes and stylish images. Iran and Turkmenistan have an opportunity to establish close cooperation in this field. The first joint fashion show and professional skills training can become a basis for demonstrating the international capabilities of both countries and contribute to the expansion of economic ties." Textile companies and famous brands represented in the exhibition, include seven from Iran alongside the Ashgabat Model House of the Ministry of Textile Industry and several other enterprises from Turkmenistan. Comprehensive in its remit, the event brings together designers, embroiderers, needle workers, and weavers allowing visitors to discover a wide range of  fabrics, fashion and accessories currently being created with traditional and modern techniques in both countries. In addition to providing information on courses, the exhibition also offers visitors classes on various types of needlework by Iranian master craftspeople.

Turkmenistan Launches Railroad Route Between Iran and China via Kazakhstan

Turkmenistan has launched a test container train on the China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran route. The project, which provides a fast transportation corridor between East and West, is the result of negotiations between representatives of the railway departments of China, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Iran. Thanks to the new route, cargo delivery between China and Iran will be reduced to 15 days. The parties have agreed on a full schedule of container trains and preferential tariff rates, and set up an expert group to develop a fixed schedule. During the test run, a train with 45 forty-foot containers loaded with auto parts departed from Xi'an, China, and traveled the route Xi'an, China - Altynkol, Kazakhstan - Bolashak, Kazakhstan - Etrek, Turkmenistan - Tehran, Iran. In the opposite direction, a train with 50 containers of gypsum powder traveled on the route Kum (Iran)—Etrek (Turkmenistan)—Bolashak (Kazakhstan)—Altynkol (Kazakhstan)—Yiwu (China). Containers are reloaded from broad gauge to narrow gauge and back again at the Etrek railway terminal, allowing efficient cargo transportation between countries with different railway gauges.

Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan-China Rail Transport Route Resumes Operation

KTZ Express, a subsidiary of Kazakhstan’s national railways company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ), and China Railway Container Transport Co. Ltd. have resumed the operation of  container trains on the Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan-China route. As reported by KTZ’s press service, representatives of Iran, China, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan attended a ceremony on July 21 at Iran's Aprin station to mark the departure of a container train to China. The train, consisting of 50 forty-foot containers, will arrive in China within 12 days. This shipment marks the restoration of the transport corridor, strengthening trade relations between participating countries.

Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan Plan New Railway Line

On July 20, government representatives from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan gathered in Aktau, Kazakhstan, to discuss the construction of a new railway line running from the Turkmenistan border through Afghanistan to Pakistan via Turgundi—Herat—Kandahar—Spin Buldak, The joint implementation of the project was proposed by head of the Agency for Transport and Communications of Turkmenistan, Mammetkhan Chakyev, who also announced that Turkmenistan and the Afghan side had already agreed  to create a logistics centre in Turgundi, a border town in northern Herat Province of Afghanistan.  Construction is due to commence shortly and once in operation, will provide facilities for the transhipment of grain, rail containers, and other cargo. Kazakhstan's invitation to participate in the project rests on its production of high-quality railway tracks and as stated by Chakyev, “Turgundi-Herat is not only the construction of a railway but also the further development of freight traffic and the attraction of goods in this direction. With the participation of the Kazakh side, we can significantly increase the attractiveness of this corridor." Afghan representatives stating their readiness to forward the transport of goods from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to Pakistan, highlighted the effectiveness of the route for all concerned as well as the benefits it afforded to importing Chinese goods through Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin announced his support for Turkmenistan's proposal for the joint construction of the new railway route and its provision of a western corridor from Afghanistan to Pakistan and India.