BISHKEK (TCA) — The Global Firepower Military Ranks-2016, which includes 126 countries ranked by military strength, ranks Uzbekistan as the strongest among Central Asia countries (54th), followed by Kazakhstan (66th), Kyrgyzstan (78th), Tajikistan (81st), and Turkmenistan (90th).
The Global Firepower (GFP) ranking is based strictly on each nation’s potential conventional war-making capability across land, sea and air. The final ranking incorporates values related to resources, finances and geography. Nuclear capability is not taken into account. The GFP list makes use of over 50 factors to determine a given nation’s Power Index score, and all data are derived from publicly-available information.
According to the ranking, Uzbekistan has Active Frontline Personnel of 65,000 and Active Reserve Personnel of 20,000, 420 tanks, 715 armored fighting vehicles, 166 aircraft (including 69 helicopters). The country’s defense budget is estimated at $70 million.
Kazakhstan has Active Frontline Personnel of 110,000 and Active Reserve Personnel of 378,000, 300 tanks, 1,613 armored fighting vehicles, 244 aircraft (including 69 helicopters), and a total naval strength of 15 warships. The country’s defense budget is estimated at $2.435 billion.
Kyrgyzstan has Active Frontline Personnel of 16,500 and Active Reserve Personnel of 10,000, 150 tanks, 438 armored fighting vehicles, 6 aircraft (all the 6 are helicopters). The country’s defense budget is estimated at $240 million.
Tajikistan has Active Frontline Personnel of 6,000, 37 tanks, 46 armored fighting vehicles, 25 aircraft (including 20 helicopters). The country’s defense budget is estimated at $75 million.
Turkmenistan has Active Frontline Personnel of 22,000 and Active Reserve Personnel of 35,000, 712 tanks, 1,941 armored fighting vehicles, 63 aircraft (including 16 helicopters). The country’s defense budget is estimated at $200 million.
It is worth noting that some figures of the countries’ defense budgets as indicated in the ranking may cause doubt.