Kazakh PM Meets With German Rhenus Group to Discuss Middle Corridor


Cooperation in the transport and logistics sectors were discussed at a recent meeting between prime minister of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov and the chairman of Rhenus Group Tobias Bartz.

Rhenus Group is one of the 25 largest logistics companies in the world, and has a network of 70 terminals in Europe, as well as 22 container types.

At the meeting, the parties considered the current projects and discussed the prospects of the creation of new Kazakh-German enterprises to increase the transit capacity of Kazakhstan through the modernization of warehousing infrastructure and the development of railway transportation.

Tobias Bartz noted Kazakhstan’s increasing role in global logistics and expressed interest in the creation of new territories with the involvement of Kazakh companies to increase terminal capacity. This will connect the supply chain of Europe with Central Asia.

Olzhas Bektenov emphasized the readiness to work openly with investors to fully disclose the transport logistics and transit potential. He added: “The Government of Kazakhstan intends to maximize the transport and logistics potential of the country. We are open to cooperation in the realization of joint investment projects. For our part, we guarantee a stable and predictable investment climate with the creation of favorable conditions for business.”

Bektenov also noted that major transcontinental transportation corridors — the shortest routes from Europe to China and Southeast Asia — pass through the territory of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is actively working with Azerbaijan and Georgia to reduce the time of passage of goods along the Trans-Caspian international transportation route. Over the year, the total transit time along the Middle Corridor has almost halved.


Times of Central Asia

Askar Alimzhanov graduated from the journalism department of the Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov, then worked as a correspondent for the daily republican newspaper Leninskaya Smen. He then moved to the United States to be a reporter for the daily newspaper "Cape Cod Times" in Hayanis, Massachusetts, (USA) under the journalist exchange program between the Union of Journalists of the USSR and the New England Society of News Editors. Since then, he has helped build transparency and understanding of Central Asia region in various executive level positions at esteemed media organizations including "Akbar"(Alma-Ata) international center for journalism, the Khabar News agency, the Television and Radio Corporation "Kazakhstan" JSC, and MIR- Kazakhstan.

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