Kyrgyzstan Adds First Three Organizations to List of Foreign Agents

The Kyrgyz Ministry of Justice has posted a list of non-profit organizations that have been given the status of “foreign agent”.

On August 27 the Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan adopted a decree “On non-profit organizations”. The new law came into force on September 9, since when any NPO engaged in political activities and receiving funding from abroad must apply for inclusion as a foreign agent.

The first three organizations to declare themselves as “foreign agents” are the Eurasian Club association of entrepreneurs, the business association JIA, and a branch of the environmental organization Fauna and Flora International.

“Applications shall be submitted to the authorized body to maintain the register of NPOs within two months from the date of entry into force of this decree,” the Ministry of Justice explained to The Times of Central Asia. After receiving an application, the ministry has 60 days to verify the information provided.

The law stipulates that foreign agent status can be removed if an organization has not received funds or property from foreign sources in the past 12 calendar months, or if it has not been engaged in political activity in the past 12 months.

Kyrgyzstan’s president Sadyr Japarov has promised the public that the authorities would not prosecute foreign agents and their representatives. “I, as head of state, guarantee that there will be no persecution. We are not a nuclear country. We are not going to fly into space yet. Our state has no secrets to hide from you and your donors,” Japarov said earlier this year.

Anton Chipegin

Anton Chipegin

Anton was born and grew up in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. He worked as a television correspondent, editor and TV presenter on the main television channels of the republic, such as NTS and MIR 24, and also as an economic observer at the international news agency Sputnik  and other media resources of Kyrgyzstan. 

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