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LONDON (TCA) — Recent reports from various sides concerning the increasing lack of cash flow for Daesh (IS) in the Near East due to difficulties in its Turkish oil smuggling chain add a new dimension to the already existing threat of extremist forces’ concentration in Afghanistan bordering the southern republics of Central Asia. Ever increasing assessments of the area’s world-class gold mining reserves must have drawn the attention of gang leaders of Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Daesh looking for alternative baits and a motive behind their “spring offensive” in Afghanistan and beyond. Continue reading
TASHKENT (TCA) — Work is going on in Uzbekistan to assess the country’s wind energy potential in cooperation with Germany’s Intec Gopa and GEO-NET, Novosti Uzbekistana reported citing Dilshod Elmuradov, an energy efficiency and renewable energy engineer at Uzbekistan’s state energy company Uzbekenergo. Continue reading
BISHKEK (TCA) — As Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have been involved in tensions concerning disputed border areas in the Ferghana Valley, a densely populated region shared by Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, we are republishing an article by Paul Goble, entitled “Central Asia’s ‘Karabakhs’ may be even more dangerous than the original”, originally published by the Jamestown Foundation’s Eurasia Daily Monitor, which draws a parallel between the Caucasus and Central Asia. The article is below: Continue reading
LONDON (TCA) — With the recent removal of the sanctions on Iran, Europe and the former Soviet republics have jumped on the platform to announce “breakthrough” deals on the occasion. Today most of those “new” deals are in fact a lot older, and it will take several years before a concrete benefit will be achieved both for Central Asia and Iran. Today Iran needs every bit of cash to cope with its huge socioeconomic problems while Central Asia access to the sea and alternative export routes has always been of high priority. Continue reading
TASHKENT (TCA) — The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on April 27 approved International Development Association credit in the amount of US $42.2 million for the Modernizing Higher Education Project in Uzbekistan. Continue reading
TASHKENT (TCA) — Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov believes that instability in Afghanistan may gradually spread to other countries of the Central Asia region and that Russia should be involved in peace talks in Afghanistan. Continue reading