Archaeologists unlock Secrets of Ancient Civilization in Turkmenistan

Large-scale archaeological research continues in the Karakum desert at the ancient site of Gonur-Depe. This unique monument, discovered in 1972, is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the ancient civilization Margush, which flourished in the delta of the Murghab River about four millennia ago.

The Turkmen-Russian Margush Archaeological Expedition, operating under the international agreement, is nearing the end of another field season. The scientists uniting specialists from the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Turkmen researchers continue painstaking work to study and describe numerous artifacts found at this ancient settlement.

The excavation season brought some interesting findings. Among them, a miniature cylindrical seal made of talc-agalmatolite, a fragment of a clay bulla with imprints of a snake-shaped seal, and a unique clay lid from a vessel with imprints of a rope and a cloisonné seal stands out.

Of particular interest are sets of semi-precious stone beads found in five burials. The skill of ancient jewelers has astonished modern researchers—some lapis lazuli beads have a diameter of only 1 millimeter.

Archaeologists have also conducted research aimed at studying the technologies of ancient builders. For the first time, a gypsum kiln was described in detail, making it possible to reconstruct the technological process of producing building materials in ancient Gonur-Depe.

The results of these studies will be presented at an international scientific conference in Ashgabat, where scientists from different countries will discuss the discoveries and their significance as regards understanding the history of the ancient civilization of Margiana.

The discoveries made in Gonur-Depe not only shed light on the life of the ancient inhabitants of these places but also emphasize the importance of international cooperation in archaeology and history. Each discovery brings us closer to understanding the rich cultural heritage left by an ancient civilization in the heart of the Karakum desert.


Darmen Gill

Darmen Gill - journalist from Turkmenistan