Kazakhstan To Co-Chair Conference On Nuclear Security

The 2024 International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS-2024) will be held in Vienna, Austria from May 20th to 24th. The conference is being organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and will be jointly chaired by Kazakhstan and Australia. 

The forum will bring together more than 2,000 nuclear security experts from 178 IAEA member states, as well as the heads of foreign services and relevant ministries. Kazakhstan and Australia’s representatives to the International Organizations, Mukhtar Tleuberdi and Ian Biggs, held a briefing in the United Nations Office in Vienna on February 5th. 

The conference will showcase the achievements of IAEA member states in nuclear security, and strengthening control over nuclear and other radioactive materials.

Kazakhstan and Australia will play key roles in developing the conference’s final document, the ICONS-2024 Ministerial Declaration, which will become a roadmap for further promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy, making nuclear facilities more safe, and encouraging the effective exchange of international experience and knowledge.


Times of Central Asia

Jonathan Campion has worked in the Eurasia region since 2007. After leaving Exeter University with a degree in Russian Language, he worked as a writer, editor, analyst and translator for international law firms, market research firms and business forums serving the CIS region's major industries, from banking and finance, to metals and pharmaceuticals, and wine and spirits. With a passion for Central Asia, he has covered the region in esteemed publications such as the Lonely Planet, Open Central Asia magazine, and National Geographic Traveler.
He has translated books and poems from the region into English, and will be publishing his first book, about a sports team that saved lives at the start of Russia-Ukraine war, in April of 2024.

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