Thousands of Red-listed Birds Released in Uzbekistan

In Uzbekistan’s Karakalpakstan, 2,680 Wigglers (Chlamydotis macqueenii), have been released in the wild.

The rare birds, on the verge of extinction and listed in the Red Data Book of Uzbekistan and the International Union for Conservation of Nature, were released on October 11 on the Ustyurt Plain in the Kungrad District. Authorities are now planning the annual release of 2,000 and 3,000 birds to support the population and promote the recovery of one of the rarest bird species in Central Asia.

The Wiggler, a member of the bustard family, is so-called on account of the way it darts from side to side. Males grow to a length of 65-75 cm and weigh between 1.8 and 3.2 kg, while females are slightly smaller at 55-65 cm and 1.2-1.7 kg, respectively. Their upper plumage is sand-coloured, and white below, with a distinctive gray crest and elongated white feathers with black tips on the sides. During the mating season, the bird shows off its decorative feathers by raising its collar and making an “hrrrr” sound.

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov

Vagit Ismailov is a Kazakhstani journalist. He has worked in leading regional and national publications.

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