First Container Train on South Korea – China – Kazakhstan – Uzbekistan Route

photo: Uzbek Ministry of Transport

On June 26, on the initiative of South Korea, China, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan railway administrations, and in cooperation with SJ Logistics Group, a ceremony was held at the Kazakh-Chinese logistics terminal in the port of Lianyungang, to launch the first container train from South Korea to Uzbekistan through China and Kazakhstan.

The national railways company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ), the subsidiary of which, KTZ Express, operates the route through Kazakhstan, reported that covering 7 thousand kilometres, the railway opens new avenues for economic interaction between the associated countries.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy General Director for Commerce of KTZ Express Ulugbek Orazov, noted: “The launch of the pilot train demonstrates our common desire to develop joint multimodal transportation, which will certainly open up new horizons for trade and interaction in the region.”

He continued by adding that the event marked an important step in the development of new opportunities to increase the transit potential of Kazakhstan as well as its establishment as a key transport hub in the international supply chain.