New U.S. Ambassador to Turkmenistan Outlines Priorities For Cooperation

At her first press briefing in Ashgabat, the new U.S. Ambassador to Turkmenistan, Elizabeth Rood, outlined key areas of cooperation between the two countries. She paid particular attention to economic development and investment attraction.

Rood emphasized that the U.S. Embassy intends to actively engage with Turkmenistan’s government, private sector, and educational institutions to create new jobs and employment opportunities and diversify the national economy.

Rood also emphasized four critical areas of work: combating climate change, economic sector development, security issues, and promoting fundamental freedoms.

Regarding climate challenges, Rood emphasized Turkmenistan’s role in mitigating climate change and welcomed President Serdar Berdymukhamedov’s pledge to limit methane emissions.

Ambassador Rood also emphasized the importance of supporting civil society in Turkmenistan, including upholding fundamental freedoms and combating forced and child labor.

In addition, she expressed her intention to strengthen ties between the peoples of the two countries, noting her inspiration from the determination of Turkmen youth to learn exact sciences and the English language.


Darmen Gill

Darmen Gill - journalist from Turkmenistan