Turkmenistan to Increase Border Crossing Limit from Afghanistan to 120 Trucks Daily


Bakhtar News reported on June 26 that Turkmenistan is ready to increase the number of commercial cargo trucks passing through the border between Serkhetabad and Torgundi from Afghanistan to 120 per day. This issue was discussed at a meeting between the Consul General of Turkmenistan in Afghanistan, Batur Yulov, and the Governor of Herat Province, Sheikh Mawlana Noor Ahmad Islamjar. Consul General Yulov also reported that Turkmenistan has completed repair work at the Noor Jihad substation to increase the volume of electricity exported to Afghanistan.

In turn, Mawlana Noor Ahmad Islamjar once again called for acceleration of the construction of the TAPI gas pipeline, as well as organizing a meeting with the participation of the transport departments of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan to discuss the resumption of the China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan route. The governor of Herat also asked that the procedure for issuing visas to Afghan traders who are transporting fresh and dried fruits to Turkmenistan be simplified.

In February 2024, the chairman of the Halk Maslahaty (People’s Council), Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, promised to simplify the issuance of visas to Afghan businessmen and transport workers in a meeting with the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, Amirkhan Muttaki.