Alisher Usmanov Wins Court Case Against German TV Channel ARD

Alisher Usmanov;image: Пресс-служба Президента России

The Hamburg court news about Uzbek-born billionaire Alisher Usmanov was broadcast by the German TV channel ARD as unreliable. ARD accused Alisher Usmanov of creating a system of bribing International Fencing Federation (FIE) judges.

According to the report, the court found the information published by the ARD channel unreliable and banned its distribution as “inappropriate news based on suspicion.” If the court order is violated, the violator will be fined up to 250,000 euros per episode or imprisoned.

Alisher Usmanov’s press service highlighted that between 2022 and 2024, several European media outlets, particularly in Germany, acknowledged their inability to substantiate accusations against the businessman and signed written agreements to cease their unlawful dissemination of information. To date, approximately 30 such declarations have been made in favor of Usmanov. As a result of legal proceedings, the businessman’s legal team obtained numerous orders preventing the spread of false information by European media.

“One of the most significant was the court decision issued in January 2024 to ban the statements made about Usmanov by the American magazine Forbes, which became one of the key elements in justifying the introduction of EU sanctions against him. Earlier, Usmanov also won a lawsuit against the Austrian newspaper Kurier,” the press service emphasized.

The court appeal was triggered by two articles and a video report about fencing at the Paris Olympic Games, aired by Germany’s ARD channel in August 2024. In them, journalist Hans-Joachim Seppelt accused Alisher Usmanov, who stepped down as FIE president in early 2022 due to EU sanctions, of creating a system to “bribe referees.” The FIE management officially denied these accusations.

According to the press service, the German Internet publication and the Austrian newspaper, which republished ARD’s false statements, corrected their materials at the request of Usmanov’s lawyers. However, the ARD TV channel refused to fix the inaccurate information voluntarily.

“There is no evidence other than gossip spread by dubious witnesses, invented insinuations, speculation, and rumors. Respect for truth, human dignity, and the dissemination of reliable information are the foundations of the German code of journalistic ethics, which was grossly violated by the state broadcaster,” summarized lawyer Joachim Steinhöfel, representing Usmanov in court.

As of August 15, 2024, Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov is the 132nd richest person in the world, with a wealth of estimated $15.4 billion.

Sadokat Jalolova

Sadokat Jalolova

Jalolova has worked as a reporter for some time in local newspapers and websites in Uzbekistan, and has enriched her knowledge in the field of journalism through courses at the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Amsterdam on the Coursera platform.

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