Kyrgyz Foreign Minister: Demarcation of Tajik Border Will Be Completed in October

At a press conference in Bishkek, Kyrgyz foreign minister Jeenbek Kulubayev said that 90% of the state border has already been demarcated.
Kulubayev said that, as the border issue is very sensitive for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, working groups from the two countries have been holding weekly meetings, alternating between Bishkek and Dushanbe.

“We are still harmonizing several points. The heads of state have an understanding and instructed us to finalize the border issue shortly. I assume the issue will be resolved in the coming months,” Kulubayev said.

The foreign minister emphasized that the negotiations will likely be completed by October.

The length of the state border between the countries is 980 kilometers, and negotiations on delimitation have been going on since late 2002. Failure to settle this issue has periodically led to border conflicts, including with the use of firearms. Still, the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan remains closed. The reason behind the closure is the military clashes between border guards in 2022. At that time, heavy weapons were used, and dozens of people were killed.

Anton Chipegin

Anton Chipegin

Anton was born and grew up in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. He worked as a television correspondent, editor and TV presenter on the main television channels of the republic, such as NTS and MIR 24, and also as an economic observer at the international news agency Sputnik  and other media resources of Kyrgyzstan. 

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