Mass Brawl Between Citizens of Pakistan and Bangladesh Reported in Bishkek

Bishkek Unrest May 17th; image: TCA, Aleksandr Potolitsyn

Bishkek police have detained 36 foreigners after a mass brawl, as reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic. According to law enforcement, on June 11th, a mass brawl was reported between Pakistani and Bangladeshi citizens after a verbal altercation, following which participants involved in the scuffle were taken to a police station to clarify the incident’s circumstances. Administrative protocols were drawn up for 16 foreigners who violated the rules of residence in Kyrgyzstan. One of the participants in the brawl was found guilty under the article “Petty Hooliganism.” The court fined him 5,500 KGS ($60). Two more people were arrested for three days for being in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

TCA previously reported that on May 17th, riots occurred in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, provoked by a conflict between residents and medical students from abroad. Since these tragic events, the authorities have been employing a dual approach of attempting to sooth relations abroad whilst conducting raids on places where foreigners reside.